Episode three of RuPaul's Drag Race aired last night on VH1, which saw the first New York City queen go home: Yuhua Hamasaki (I never saw her winning TBH, but I definitely didn't see her going home this early).
Last night's episode (plus Untucked) gave us a vibe similar to how season 4 was in terms of certain cast members having a very vocal and in your face opinion and attitude about the others in and out of the werk room, which quite frankly helped make this show into what it is today. Not saying that I enjoy the whole Bad Girls Club meets RuPaul's Drag Race sort of thing that last night was, but at the same time, one queen's thoughts on racism needed to be shared and for good reason.
That being said, there are 11 queens left, and moving forward, I will be doing a power ranking of sorts that shows where each queen will fall (IMHO) after each episode airs. Based on last night's episode, here is how I think the group stands.
1. Asia O'Hara. I wasn't really convinced about Asia in the first two episodes, as I sort of just found her presence to be simply "there". Episode three showed her really stepping her game up, by easily winning the Tap That App challenge by using one of the funniest faces I've ever seen on RPDR plus her feather-inspired runway look which was also able to find its funny by Asia consistently blowing the hair out of her face. As of now, she is potentially the one to beat, as she's never been in the bottom, and has been able to control her emotions pretty well compared to some of her still competition. Stay tuned though.
2, Blair St. Clair. Blair is going to be the silent killer of this season. If you haven't realized it already, she's been in the top for all three episodes as of now, but has yet to win a main competition. That to me is not a problem, as it shows that she's been consistent with her performance unlike others such as Mayhem Miller who has sort of been all over the place. Blair is funny, unique, has a great story behind her and really is coming across very likable so far which can allow the producers to craft a great story for her as the season goes on. She's definitely one to look out for at the moment.
3. The Vixen. When you come into the first episode saying you are ready to fight, you better back up those words. And she has, each and every episode. The Vixen is this season's Phi Phi O'Hara, but with a more justified POV. I love Phi Phi, but a lot of her anger in S4 came across as pure insecurity whereas The Vixen has a major point and I'm so glad that they didn't really edit anything out in Untucked when she came head to head with Aquaria regarding how the NYC queen shaded her about simply borrowing a wig.
Sure, her delivery might be over the top and I do agree with Miz Cracker when she can bring it down to a five instead of a ten, but The Vixen knows how past African-American queens have been treated on and off this show (Jasmine Masters, Nina Bo'Nina Brown) and she simply doesn't want that happening anymore and decided to speak on it on television as opposed to simply on social media. She rightfully put Aquaria in her place, and didn't back down. It shows that she's not only talented queen on the runway, but a smart cookie off of it in terms of knowing how to play this game but at the same time voicing your opinion when needed.
4. Eureka O'Hara. Eureka figured out what her flaws were in season 9 and is doing her best to not repeat them. After winding up in the bottom two last week, she quickly recovered by doing a pretty funny performance in the Tap That App challenge, and killing it on the runway. Her whole thing, moving forward, is to keep her balance of funny and fashion going at a rate that can put a lot of these other queens in the back row as opposed to the main stage. She has it, we know she does, just stay balanced and she'll go the distance.
5. Monet X Change. Monet has a New York City mindset that is very reminiscent of Bianca Del Rio in season 6. She knows how to throw shade at the other queens, but has also been very smart and very balanced in how she handles the others, particularly the Aquaria vs. Vixen meltdown on last night's episode. Her humor shined in the Tap That App challenge, and it looks as if this whole sponge thing will be her "Purse First" moment of the season. I hope she gets a win in some of the main challenges moving forward, because she's someone who I really want to see make it to the end of this game.
6 Miz Cracker. I'm fairly confident that Miz was in pure heaven last night when Aquaria, who has talked so much smack about her so far, got her ass handed to her by The VIxen. Miz is talented, funny, irreverent and quirky, which has been seen a good amount so far. She has yet to really have her moment to shine, so unless she's able to find that in the upcoming episodes, she remains in the middle of the pack for now.
7. Mayhem Miller. Sure, she won the first episode. Kudos on that, but she's a bit of a mess with her emotions and clearly can't speak up for herself. I knew from the middle of the episode last night that she would be in the bottom two. Yes, she killed it in the lip sync, but if you can't speak up for yourself on a show that will make you a superstar like your fellow sisters Detox and many others, than you really shouldn't expect to go that far.
8. Dusty Ray Bottoms. Dusty's story about her horrific upbringing being gay was incredibly jarring and heartbreaking to watch, so I'm glad they gave her a human element this early in the season. That being said, she's been middle of the pack so far and unless something changes with that soon, I don't see her going the distance at all.
9. Kameron Michaels. Kameron's quietness and inability to perform in a comedy sense will be her downfall, especially with Snatch Game coming up.
10. Monique Heart. She's extra in a way that isn't good, and her delusional thought process in thinking that she should be in the top every week really is hard to watch. See ya.
11. Aquaria. Aquaria is a perfect example of why people hate millennials. She got everything she deserved last night after throwing some major shade at The Vixen, that led to her crying a couple of times which no one was really here for. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing is the true statement here, and she's clearly pissed off half the girls that are left (including Dusty outside of the show), and quite frankly, I don't see her lasting that much longer. This is what happens when people fill your ego to the brim to the point where you can't really see how you act with others.
I don’t know what planet you
I don't know what planet you're on. You might not like or agree with Aquaria, but ranking her last is just ridiculous. She's been doing very well and will probably make it very far.
My top 4 (in no particular
My top 4 (in no particular order)
Agreed in pretty much all of
Agreed in pretty much all of it. I might have put M. Cracker on place higher but that's subjective.
As for Aquaria and Bison, it was SO obvious what Aquaria is like outside the show. She apparently is queen of the castle at her club and takes constant digs at other queens and then never expects them to answer back.
She cried in response to Biden because she COULDN'T DEFEND HER BEHAVIOR. Biden was right.