Scruffy Todd Aaron is Hottie of the Week

This week’s Instinct Hottie is an entertainment publicist hailing from Hollywood, California. A bearded daddy living in tinseltown, Todd Aaron is a 36-year-old hunk living his best scruffy life. If you follow Todd you might recognize those dreamy dimples and furry bod.

Instagram @todditto

Let’s get to know Todd Aaron a little closer:


INSTINCT: How did you get into publicity? 

TODD AARON: I started with lots of interning overseas in Australia then worked at a boutique fashion PR agency when I first moved to LA. After a good 4 years at the agency, I moved into Entertainment Publicity at one of the largest film and TV studios in LA.  

Instagram @todditto

INSTINCT: What’s your favorite part of your job? 


TA: Everyday is different and working with creatives is super exciting!

Instagram @todditto

INSTINCT: What brings you joy? 

TA: Bringing people together, making memories with my friends, being in nature, traveling to new countries and experiencing new cultures, and being lazy on a Sunday with the boo eating Panda Express. 


INSTINCT: What do you think is the most attractive part about yourself? 

TA: Physically, my smile and olive complexion. I also think my sense of humor isn’t bad!


INSTINCT: What do you find you are complimented on the most? 

TA: My dimples and eyes. 


INSTINCT: What defines sexy? 

TA: Low-key confidence without attitude


INSTINCT: What is your proudest moment in your life thus far? 

TA: Moving overseas. I’ve learned so much about myself and the world that no textbook can teach you. Also landing my dream job at one of the biggest film studios in the world! 


INSTINCT: What haven’t you accomplished, personally or professionally, that you are wanting to do in the next 2-3 years? 

TA: I want to buy my first investment property!


 INSTINCT: Have you found love? If so, what is the best part of your relationship and what do you love most in your partner(s)? 

TA: Yes! I’ve been with my current partner/husband for 9 years coming up. The best part of my relationship is that we are completely comfortable being big kids with each other. We love being silly and fun in our lives. I love that my partner allows me to be who I am and accepts me, flaws and all. He also is my biggest fan and only wants the best for me and us. I can be completely myself around him and feel very safe with him. 


Rapid fire question time: 

  • What is your all-time favorite movie? 
    • Kill Bill
  • Who is your biggest celebrity crush? 
    • Sean Astin…how could you not fall in love with him as Frodo’s bestie in Lord of The Rings!?
  • What is your favorite cheat meal or snack? 
    • Gushers and a late night bowl of cereal.
  • Favorite position? 
    • All.
  • If you were stuck on an island for eternity, what music album would you want to have with you? 
    • Any John Williams or Hans Zimmer soundtrack. 

INSTINCT: What does it mean to be featured as our Instinct Hottie? 


TA: I’m so honored! I never find myself deserving of such titles but excited to have the opportunity!

INSTINCT: Anything else you’d like to share with the Instinct readers? 


TA: It’s none of your business what others think of you and always make time for yourself. You are your biggest asset. 

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