Sexy Halloween Costume YouTuber Responds To Negative Critics

"Eat a burger" i am sure was one of the negative comments youtuber Jack Merridrew heard from his critics when he posted his Halloween costume choices for all to see.  We first reported on Jack's  (and his mom's) video in our post gay-youtuber-gets-help-mom-picking-out-slutty-halloween-costume a couple weeks ago. 


Since then he has received plenty of negative comments mixed in with the sexual and supportive ones, but it's the hateful ones that do stick out.   Listen to him read some of those responses and see how he handles them.



As a blogger that throws his opinions in here and there, I can relate to Jack's situation.  I remember one such critic of my opinions (there have been many) he was a gay romance novelist writer from out west.  I asked him to clarify his negativity toward my post and he responded with, "your first mistake was responding to your critics." He must have had many critics himself and spoke from experience. The negativity that came from him had to have been festering for some time and built up from him receiving degrading comments from someone else, a sick cycle that needs to end. 

Some may say you choose to put yourselves out there by blogging or youtube-ing so deal with the positives and negatives.  It's part of being out there in public.  I guess I have no idea how to respond to people that feel negativity can be excused because it's just a part of life. 

So kudos to Jack.  It does have to stop.  We need to stop degrading each other.  Stop the cycle. But by sayng that, I feel it's like asking a tiger to lose its stripes.  

14 thoughts on “Sexy Halloween Costume YouTuber Responds To Negative Critics”

  1. Be the end of the day..over, done, and gone with. You are living your life, not sitting at home on a laptop judging.

  2. You hit the nail on the head!

    You hit the nail on the head! Thank you for stating it so aptly!! Totally agree with you! By the way there's nothing wrong with you physically or emotionally you will make some guy very lucky man!

  3. He’s fucking BEAUTIFUL. Who

    He's fucking BEAUTIFUL. Who wouldn't want to tap that all day and night?

    Seriously, if you're not into twinks- I get it, whatever, but if you are, he's GRADE FUCKING A hot as HELL. I'd let him sit on my face every day all day and in multiple costumes.

    All these bitter faggots just never could land a dude half this hot- thank goodness and PROTIP: If you want a guy like this (for a BF or a hot time) you need to stop being bitter and focus more on being confident and not a bitter bitch. 

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  5. Jack.  Carry on.  You do have

    Jack.  Carry on.  You do have your shit together and I respect that.  Live, live, live, as Auntie Mame would say, and fuck the haters.  You are you and that's what is adorable. Happy Halloween.

  6. Didn’t South Park just do an

    Didn't South Park just do an episode about emotionally sensitive people who put half naked pics/vids of themselves on the internet needing to get over their insecurities.

  7. An old saying but an

    An old saying but an empowering one: "if you got it, flaunt it!" There's nothing wrong with him testing the boundaries for sexuality expression in his parents' household. You will always find kids testing their parents to learn how progressive they are. Some parents would tell their children to cover up and others would their parents to carry mace just in case a stranger starts acting weird at the bus stop. He has a very cool mom and is liberated. And posting a video of your nearly naked self online is going to draw criticism from at least one person. You can either ignore the comments or respond. But at the end of the day, if people are willing to waste their time catcalling or being vicious then the comments function should just be disabled to begin with!

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  9. I applaud YOU for being YOU!

    I applaud YOU for being YOU! Who Cares what the Haters have to say! You were Absolutely right that we ALL in the LGBT community should unite and build one another up with Positivity and love. Not bitter mean little critiques that people have to add because of their own insecurities. Thank you for your words, and for your sense of humor with the Haters. Squash Hate with Love and positivity!

  10. First Jack, you are adorable

    First Jack, you are adorable and if people think you are too thin, you're not or at least you do not look too thin. Enjoy it. I used to be a bean pole, could eat everything I wanted, then I hit 30 and my metabolism changed. 

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