Sherry Pie Sat Down With A NYC Queen – Hear The Interview

Whether it was the “super spreader” party on Fire Island allegedly thrown by a famed party promoter or openly discussing her own journey with sobriety, Logan Hardcore is never short on giving her own ‘hot take’ on issues. Her podcast Hardcore HonesTea has served as a platform for Hardcore to discuss her views on an extended and very public platform. While her discussion on #GaysOverCovid and her interview with Real Housewives of New Jersey favorite Margaret Josephs both were compelling, it a recent interview she conducted that peeled back the layers on someone that has impacted our community on a multitude of levels and that everyone has an opinion on; disqualified RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant and former New York City performer Sherry Pie

Hardcore did not mince words when it came to the questions she asked or to the path it took her to get to sitting down with Sherry Pie (also known as Joey Gugliemelli) and it was an evolution. During the conversation, Hardcore asked Sherry pointedly if Sherry wanted to or felt she should perform again (Sherry said in part, “Sherry is the best part of Joey”). The depth of the catfishing that occurred is not something that Hardcore was shy about asking, nor were her questions regarding the steroid usage that was encouraged during these encounters. (Sherry said in part, “I have bad abandonment problems that have and have not been addressed with men, a history of men with muscles in my family and of what makes a man”). You can hear the podcast in its entirety here. 


I sat down for a quick chat with Hardcore to discuss her interview with Sherry Pie. We discussed what made her want to take on this surely polarizing interview, what feedback she got from the community prior to conducting the interview, and whether or not she thinks Sherry Pie, in her own opinion, has a space in New York City nightlife in the future. 

Michael Cook: What made you want to sit down with Sherry at this time? What was your relationship with her prior to the podcast?


Logan Hardcore: I thought about what I would ask Sherry the moment the story broke a year ago. I am a curious person, and I like details. I also hate bullshit, and once the Tamron Hall Show interview happened I was pissed. It was a waste of time, and a waste of giving her a platform. Nothing new came out of it, she didnt ask anything we didn’t know already. A day later, the situation presented itself to me. I spoke to a few people including victims and ultimately chose to do the interview. As for my relationship with Sherry before, we didn’t have one. She came to one show of mine at Stonewall; that’s all.

MC: From your perspective, does she care if the victims want her to go away or continue to speak out?

LH: I walked away with almost with more questions than answers. There is a disconnect for me; I had a real problem with the way she addressed the victims and how they have been handled by her after the story broke. It was almost like, “I broke your toy, but you have to come to me to talk about it.” I was really put off, and that was the last question of the interview I believe, it really kind of shook me. I felt almost dirty after hearing the answer. I don’t know what she wants. I do believe that she wants them to be good and move on. I do not think that she understands what that entails.

MC: Do you ever see a world where Sherry would return to the stage and be accepted? Do you think she wants to?


LH: I absolutely think she wants to, and I also as of today, I do not believe she should be afforded that luxury. She tainted her name, the communities name, the victims names and then she thinks she should come back into our safe spaces? Let alone get our money? Shes lost her mind with that.

MC: What shocked you most from your conversation both good and bad? Is there anything she didn’t speak about that you wish she had?

LH: What shocked me was the first question, and the shocks kept coming. I asked her to explain what happened in her words-she didn’t, I had to. It was at that moment I realized I had to quickly pivot everything that I was going to ask and how I was going to handle it. I was happy with how open she was, she didn’t turn down any question. I wish I would have pressed her more about the actual events. I didn’t want to overstep and have her shut down. I have two interviews with victims coming out that go into detail of the events so I wasnt gonna press her.

MC: What reaction did your drag sisters and community have when you said you were interviewing Sherry?


LH: I didn’t tell anyone until after I had already interviewed. The people I did speak with prior to the interview all told me to be careful. That this could really backfire. It was worth it for me to get the answers to questions that I have had for a year.

MC: You’re a bit of a truth cannon; do you plan on perhaps doing a follow up with her or speaking with other provocateurs of note in our community?

LH: I will talk to anyone. I am loving doing this podcast and doing interviews. I have really strong opinions and anyone that’s game to talk to me I will talk to. As for a follow up, who knows. Sometimes it’s just good to leave good enough alone 

Writers Note: As a writer and as a member of the LGBTQ community, I believe victims should always be heard and be given a platform to tell their stories. With that in mind, I will be giving a platform to several of Sherry Pie’s victims in the coming weeks. Not only can their stories serve as a cautionary tale, but they can clearly showcase that the actions of one person do not represent the LGBTQ community as a whole. 

Follow Logan Hardcore on Instagram 

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