If you thought ‘Thor’ could hurl a hammer, check out shirtless Avengers star Chris Hemsworth sling some weights around in a grassy field.
Now, to be fair, there’s a very good reason why Hemsworth is shirtless. You see, it spontaneously burst into flames.
“It was so hot my shirt literally burst into flames,” wrote Hemsworth. “Luckily I was wearing my favourite pair of fire retardant shorts.”
“Give this circuit a go 6 times through Centrfit,” he added referencing his fitness app which boasts training programs and tips from Hemsworth’s own fitness team.
The circuit consists of bent-over rows, a farmer’s carry, bicep curls combined with overhead press, and topped off with a sprint.
Do that six times and we’re pretty sure we’d burst into flames as well.
The post has been liked over 3.2 million times at this writing.
The 36-year-old actor is known for sharing his circuit workouts via Instagram.
Last month, Hemsworth shared this challenging bit of gym time wrestling some iron with trainers Luke Zocchi and Jorge Blanco.
Now, when the god of thunder is out of breath, you know it’s intense.
We may (or may not) have seen the final Avengers movie with Avengers: Endgame, but Hemsworth will return as the thunder god in Thor: Love and Thunder in 2021.
One thing is for sure: Hemsie is definitely going to be in tip-top, god-like shape.
Here’s one more workout from our hero – this one is called the Devil’s Workout.
We’d love to get sweaty with these guys, how about you?