Shocking Percent Of U.S. Men Are Infected With HPV, The Most Commom STD

HPV, that's the thing woman get right?  Well, not really. It's one of the more common STDs out there and it does not discriminate based on gender. We men might have thought we were free from worrying about the human papillomavirus, but we get it just as much as women and according to a new study, we hang on to it much longer. 



(Jan. 19 – JAMA Oncology) — About 45 percent of U.S. men are infected with the sexually transmitted disease, as are 45 percent of women. Among women, the prevalence of HPV infection drops to about 22 percent as they age, but it remains high among men, said lead researcher Dr. Jasmine Han. She is in the division of gynecologic oncology at Womack Army Medical Center, in Fort Bragg, N.C.

"We don't know why it stays high in men while it drops in women," she said. "Among men it's higher than expected."

Han speculates that the virus may remain in men because it lives in the penile glands, while in women, the virus is near the surface of the vagina and is more easily shed.

Although a vaccine against HPV has been available since 2009, coverage remains low. Only about 11 percent of men and 33 percent of women have been vaccinated, Han said.

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease among men and women in the United States, according to background information in the study. About 79 million Americans are infected with some type of HPV, with approximately half of new infections occurring before age 24, the study authors said.

Most people infected with HPV don't know they have it and don't develop health problems from it, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But HPV is not a benign infection. More than 9,000 cases of HPV-related cancers occur in men each year. HPV is the cause of 63 percent of penile, 91 percent of anal, and 72 percent of oral and throat cancers, the researchers noted.

In addition, HPV among men is an indirect cause of cervical cancer in women. The virus is also responsible for 90 percent of genital warts. HPV can also lead to tumors in the respiratory tract, called respiratory papillomatosis. –


With such prevalence at 45% and the existence of a vaccination, should we consider a "mandatory" vaccination? 


If it is a cancer causing virus, should we not try and prevent it from spreading?

Are we not looking to rid the world of cancer?

Would you want to get vaccinated? Are you?  Do you even know?

Currently, some states require HPV vaccines for their incoming students. As of now 29 states have no ruling on HPV and students (click image for larger view).


For more on the study, head over to and for more on HPV, go to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

5 thoughts on “Shocking Percent Of U.S. Men Are Infected With HPV, The Most Commom STD”

  1. Why ask the question giving

    Why ask the question giving the illusion of choice? Inevitably these medieval chemical injections will be forced upon everyone.

    • Medieval? You’re blatant

      Medieval? You're blatant ignorance is offensive. Using trendy 'bad' words like chemical to describe something shows how much you don't know. 

      Oh no! It's a "chemical". It must be bad!!! Toxins! Cleanses! Pure! Organic! Granola! Ugh. 

    • Medieval? Your blatant

      Medieval? Your blatant ignorance is offensive. Using trendy 'bad' words like chemical to describe something shows how much you don't know. 

      Oh no! It's a "chemical". It must be bad!!! Toxins! Cleanses! Pure! Organic! Granola! Ugh. 

  2. Thank you for sharing.  I

    Thank you for sharing.  I wish people were more educated about HPV.  The anal warts were not fun, and neither was the treatment.

  3. As soon as the vaccine was

    As soon as the vaccine was approved for men a few years ago I got it. It's amazing how many people don't think men can get this.


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