Short Animated Film ‘In a Heartbeat’ Will Melt Your Heart

We’ve all felt that moment when our heart has skipped a beat at the sight of that special someone who is the object of our affection. Sweaty palms, weak legs–it’s such a euphoric feeling, especially with the anticipation of knowing if the affection is mutual. Add the fear of being outed for your feelings and then you’re just caught in a whirlwind of emotions that is truly heartbreaking.


Such is the subject of this adorable new short animated film In a Heartbeat by Beth David and Esteban Bravo. The film was produced at the Ringling College of Art and Design and includes music by Arturo Cardelús and sound design by Nick Ainsworth.

The film’s synopsis tells you a bit about this beautiful story:

A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.

The film was part of a very successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year which aided in the film’s production which has been over a year and a half of hard work.


In time when the world is seeing much hatred for the LGBTQIA community, this amazing story of innocence and young love is more necessary than ever. We need more films like this to celebrate love.

Enjoy the short film and try not to cry or feel all warm inside:

For more about this film, visit:




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