Should People Actually Leave Britney Alone?

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The Iconic Pop Star’s Fans Are Now Protesting Her Release From A Mental Facility!

Have you heard the scary details surrounding legendary singer, Britney Spears, being in a mental facility? To make a long story short, Spears’ father is having health issues and it caused the tick we all know for her to have in her head, to tock, ending in her checking herself into the facility. Spears is obviously close with her family, who all seem like well to do people and actually care about their daughter’s well-being. She’s told the public about her close relationship she shares with her immediate family, so the mental breakdown of possibly losing a parent is devastating for anyone, but especially a daddy’s girl. Then, rumors began to swirl that Spears didn’t check herself into the facility, but instead she’s being held against her will. This led to Twitter trending the hashtag, #FreeBritney, in support.


The last time the public has seen Spears was on Easter Sunday when she received a 24 hour pass to leave the facility, although the paparazzi photos don’t necessarily look like she’s well. Yesterday, a group of protesters stormed to West Hollywood City Hall claiming Spears manager, Larry Rudolph, has her locked away. Here’s one photo posted to Instagram below:

Alright, so I love Spears as much as the next gay to enter the room. If you were growing up gay in the ‘90s what young boy wasn’t crawling around his room dancing to her songs…in absolute fear of being caught? Spears was what every flamboyant gay wanted to be, or well, at least me. I’ve been there through her struggles, I’ve bought her albums, attending her concerts, I’m definitely a fan! But, I’m also a bigger fan of someone being mentally fit and able to walk throughout life compared to public opinion.


Hear me out: I want as much as anyone to see Spears living her best life, performing in Las Vegas, and being the icon we all know her to be. However, the fact that a bunch of no-nothing fans can create a protest in her honor, without even knowing any inside details of the going-on’s is a little…crazy in itself. I love the rally of support from fans behind her, but none of us are sitting at the kitchen table with her breaking bread and hearing what’s going on in her mind. I think it’s time we leave Britney alone until she’s ready to come back to us.

Do you think fans are being a little too zany about Spears’ well-being while not having accurate information?

If you want to watch some of the protest, check out the video below:



Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Source: Jezebel

Source: The Blast

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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