Should You Discuss Who’s Paying For The Date?

Should You Discuss Who’s Paying For The Date?


Have You Ever Felt The Need To Dine & Dash?!

RIGHT?! Alright, I’m definitely one to announce my own business to the world. I mean, let’s face it, I am a Blogger to Instinct Magazine, so I pretty much follow myself but am constantly asking for reassurance. It cannot just be me is my logic for virtually everything in life.

So, at this point – I’d assume we’ve all been on a first date, right? It is 2018…can we all admit likely the majority of us have met someone from the internet? Yes, I’ve constantly gossiped if Dating Apps have made society sleazy, questioned if everyone goes on dates high, and recently I told you I happen to flake on most online meetups… but this time, I’m actually moving forward and ending the virtual conversation into a full-fledged, shake hands, sit down in person. While I don’t tend to meet up with anyone, ever – blame it on being a homebody – I’m really anticipating this Silver Daddy later tonight. It’s an official date… but, as I’m literally about to start to get ready…I have a problem.

Who is going to pay for the date?! Is there a system to this?! I mean, it’s not like we’re even friends – we may never see one another after this. So, in the end – I’m kind of thinking even if I’m wasting my time, I definitely shouldn’t be wasting my money. My gorgeous date has requested to meet…should I assume he’s going to be paying for the date as well? On top of that, he’s older. But, if you start to think about it: None of these have to be true.


Unfortunately, I’m painfully aware sometimes I’m going to have to pay for own fair share. I went on a date months ago, with an older, successful man – who was terribly plain – and when the waitress gave us our check…he…someone hold my hand – asked her to split the check! After he suggested I order a meal that would end up charging me over fifty dollars with tip. I swore I was about to flip the table! Hell, at the worst – I almost called in fraud to my card! Alas, I sucked it up and blocked the person from ever texting me again.

Should there be a system of who is to pay for a date? Should I let the person constantly go ahead of me and anticipate them turning around and claiming, “Whatever he wants, too.” I’m desperately trying to figure out dating as I continue to grow into an adult and want to try leaving my immaturity behind me, but the bill ends up stumping me each time! Do we need to be blunt and openly ask before we even go out?! Help me, I’m drowning over her!

How do you determine who is required to pay for a date?

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