The weekend had arrived and with it the turnout for the First ever Gay Days – Fort Lauderdale going from good to great. After touring the Expo on its second day to see some new vendors that had arrived, my friends and I headed up to the Wet West pool at the W. To our happiness, the hot tub was overflowing, the pool was pretty active, and there were no lounge chairs available. The crowd that many associated with the 25-year old Gay Days – Orlando had arrived to this first time event. We saw a wonderful couple from Ohio and proceeded over to them. As we did, two loungers opened up and we had our home base for the day.
Some hired help added to the day. As I was lotioning up and listening to the DJ play “All About that Bass, someone came over and started bumping my ass. It was a face that I had seen before, Jimmy Fanz. We bumped booties to the beat for a hot second or 4. I will say for all of the hired help that Andrew Christian and Bud Light brought, he was the one that everyone noticed was interacting the most and seemed to be having the best time. Thanks Jimmy for putting a smile on our faces for the day. And thanks for the butt pinch during the picture. As you can see, (me on the right) I’m no comparison to the boys he usually hangs out with in his “movies” but he made Saturday fun for all. Ok, enough about him and his online pics I had to look up .
It was another great day by the pool meeting people from all over, Michigan, San Diego, Baltimore, Kentucky, etc. Even more shared with me they were just in the Fort Lauderdale area meeting up with friends and family for the holidays and heard about the event. Others new about the Gay Days brand, but did not have the time off for Orlando and Las Vegas and since this one fell during a holiday, it was the best option for them to attend.

An underwear exchange / contest rounded out the day with a makeshift changing booth constructed of models and 3 towels. Participants were asked to shed their bathing suits for Andrew Christian underwear. Some oohs and ahhs were heard by the crowd as the towel was dropped after the exchanges occurred. Men do come in all shapes and sizes, front and back.

Reigning Miss Gay Days Harmony Breeze aided in the selection of the winner from the final three, but they were all winners since the underwear was given to all that participated. The winner received about 6 more pairs.
I look forward to meeting more people today as well as taking some time out to soak up some more sun on the last day of the event and relaxing in my bed tomorrow morning for my last sunrise at the W. What will today bring? I’ll let you know, but if it was as ½ as good as Saturday, I’ll be all smiles.
I am out here to testify
I am out here to testify about the good work Dr peter has done in my life with his healing spell. I have be suffering from HIV diseases for the past 2yeares now before I came across Dr peter who healed me with his powerful healing spell. I never believe that Dr peter could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution to my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of a lady who was tstifying about how she get cured of her HIV disease with the help of these great powerful healing spell caster called Dr peter. So i have to contact him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 3 days after doing all he ask from me, so i was happy all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed,I regain all the strength that has left me before back and i becomes very strong and healthy,this disease almost end my life, so i went to the hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very happy and grateful to Dr peter about the healing he have given to me with his healing spell. You can also email him for any kind of help via email . or call his mobile number +2347055620537 . thank you once again Dr peter .
I am very personally
I am very personally conservative and save my nudity for specific contexts, but I have no problem with how other gay men express themselves. It makes me happy to see these boys having a blast and enjoying what God gave them. That's what it's for! Calling gay men whores for being half naked in public is simply slut shaming and it needs to stop. Even worse, how is it that straight folks get to exhibit much more extreme behavior at spring break celebrations and no one says anything? How is it that straight folks can hook up salaciously every Saturday night in every bar in America without being shamed for it? How is it that straight men can express "I'd hit that." without repercussion? How is it that straight women can display every inch of their bodies and be celebrated for it? It's important that we not internalize the institutionalized double standards, homophobia, and shame that we have been exposed to our entire lives. It's just brain washing. Our bodies are exactly just that — ours! Allowing anyone, straight or gay, to dictate what is right or wrong regarding what we do with them is simply a recreation of the same oppressive forces that have worked to hold us down historically for more subtle reasons. If gay naked bodies make people uncomfortable, then good. They are symbolic of our resistance and refusal to be invisible. It is not our task to bend to what others might think of us, or we will shrink back into the days of being closeted and having our bodies legislated by uptight conservatives. #micdrop
Get over yourself Jake
Get over yourself Jake
Well, Tired Jake, you gotta
Well, Tired Jake, you gotta remember it's nearing 80 degrees and sunny here in South Florida and I'm half naked. Should I cover myself up and stay inside with the air conditioner running so as not to offend you?
No you should live it up.
No you should live it up. Despite his protest… It was kinda prudish. Have fun MiamiDoug!!!
As long as my fellow gays
As long as my fellow gays keep parading themselves around in their skivvies and post their nastiness on sites like craigslist and whatever those other sites are, people will always look down on us! Whenever someone posts anything about a dude half naked, somebody will no doubt post I would do that, or I would bottom for that or the like! I am no prude, and love sex as much as anyone, but you guys make us all look like a bunch of man-whores!! Put some clothes on! (And no, I didnt log on to see the crap on here, I just saw this come across my facebook and got perturbed and had to leave my 2 cents!
I agree tired jake!
I agree tired jake!
If you cannot accept “your
If you cannot accept "your fellow gays" as they are, how can you expect anyone else to?
Straight people do the same things……it's part of life. There's plenty of things within the community not everyone is happy about – but it's not for us to tell others how to live their lives.
Why don't you put your efforts into getting involved in your community do something about the people who are being killed, beaten and bullied and as long as people are doing things WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE LAW, let them live THEIR LIVES and concentrate on yours.