Sharing some favorite Instagrams from the week starting with Jeff Ribeiro, who promises to make you sweat (is it hot in here?).
Gustavo Naspolini explored New York City:
Okkar Min Maung is ready for his first Pride in Bangkok…
…while Felipe FERR celebrated Pride down in Sao Paulo:
Zachary Darnley went neutral tones as he took in nature:
Kevin Carnell was back in the District:
Rich Burns and his biceps biked and beached on Memorial Day:
Alejo Ospina peaced out:
Chris Bednarik checked in – yep, still hot:
Shade Andrew got wet:
Romance novel model Kevin Davis had a full day of photo shoots and book signings:
Rob Anderson partied down in Austin:
Fabio Costa pondered by the pool in profile:
Fran Tomas was aglow in Ibiza’s golden hour:
Jhoesep Pineda can throw down: