Stephen Fry is asked what he would say to God at the Pearly Gates.

Raised Roman Catholic and attending Sunday Mass every week, I don't think I was ever asked the question," What would you say to God when you meet Him in Heaven?"  I mean, we were taught that there was a heaven and God is there, but I guess we never were told we would meet him face to face.  Stephen Fry was asked that question this week.


Appearing on RTE One show The Meaning of Life, Byrne asked Fry – who is an outspoken atheist – something he asks all his guests: ‘What would you say to God if you reached the gates of heaven?’ – ATTITUDE


Thanks to our friends over at, we are able to to view the footage of Fry's response.  Watch below or go over to to see their thoughts. 



I thought his answer was epic, but it seems by the look on the interviewer's face, he was a little more than shocked.  Fry throws in a reference or two about if instead of one God Almighty, the Gods of Olympus would be there.




What would your response be?  What would you say to God(s)? Do you think Fry's answer is spot on or do you think he won't get the chance to ask since he'll be somewhere else?


And once again Stephen, congrats on your marriage.


4 thoughts on “Stephen Fry is asked what he would say to God at the Pearly Gates.”

  1. Stop presuming that the

    Stop presuming that the Abrahamic Religions are the only ones! The Dharmic religions (Hinduism and it's offshoots have an altogether different take on this matter). Enough with this judgement meme!!

  2. Advertisement
  3. Stupid question to begin with

    Stupid question to begin with. We all know there is no God. So the correct response is ignore the question.


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