I know when my friends and I visit a new city, we hop onto "the grid" to see what the local talent has to offer. Living in Maine, the Grindr grid would sometimes extend from Quebec City to Boston, quite depressing. Living in Fort Lauderdale, I don't think the grid extends more than one mile. Now imagine you are in the heart of the Olympic Village in Rio, wouldn't you want to pop on your phone and see the beauties?
There's a difference between seeing and reporting on what you see. A Daily Beast reporter, Nico Hines, took to his trusty phone and started cruising for sex. It didn't take long for him to strike Rio gold.
Armed with a range of dating and hookup apps—Bumble, Grindr, Jack’d, and Tinder—your distinctly non-Olympian correspondent had scored three dates in the first hour.
Athlete profiles on the various apps during my short exploration included a track star, a volleyball player, a record-holder in the pool, a sailor, a diver, and a handball player from a notoriously homophobic country.
One athlete left a drop pin in the heart of the village for me to follow, another said they would be waiting, dressed in black, near the coffee machine in the athletes’ restaurant. A friendly gentleman even volunteered the address of his building straightaway. – thedailybeast.com
Our friends over at gaystarnews.com have been fielding comments and tweets about this story, calling Hines piece homophobic, irresponsible, disgusting, and gay baiting.
There were dozens of eligible bachelors listed on Grindr within a few hundred yards of where I was standing at the entrance to the athletes’ village. One posed in his full team kit. Others referred to their elite sporting status more furtively, but they included one of the world’s top equestrians and a track and field athlete a few days away from competing.
Another had very different things on his mind: “In village ready for action! Let’s make an athletes orgy!” he wrote in his profile.
Some athletes on Grindr made it clear that they were only interested in other sports stars. “Muscular Athlete for meets in Athlete Village ONLY. Be prepared to prove you’re here for a face to face meet,” he wrote. – thedailybeast.com
By the way, Hines is a married, to a woman, and a father. But then again, if a gay male reporter was outing people like this, I don't think it would be any different. Wrong is wrong.
Hines, a married man with a child, tried Bumble, Tinder and Grindr – and found that he received the most attention on the gay dating app, securing three dates in an hour.
He said he was up-front about being a journalist, but didn’t go out of his way to point out that he isn’t gay. – heast.com
What do you think of Hines and his story? Is it as these tweets say? Let's hear from you.

h/t: thedailybeast.com and heast.com
It’s like putting stuff on
It's like putting stuff on the Internet. Don't act surprised. You shouldn't put it out there if u don't want to run the risk of getting caught.
If these athletes were out
If these athletes were out "cruisin" 4 big boobed blonde bimbette, this wld not b open 4 discussion. Yes it's 2016 & society is "more accepting" of the LGBT lifestyle, but who is this Nico Hines anyway? & who the hell does he think he is????? A waste of space & air & jealous cos he's tied down with a wife & a kid he can't give in2 his own insecure homosexual urges. Tellin ur parents, family & friends is just as difficult as a 16 yr old tellin his parents that his 14 yr old girlfriend is pregnant. This guy Nico Hines, really needs 2 get a life & let people b who they r. Who cares if an athlete is gay or straight, how does it affect their performance? They r there 2 represent their country with pride & honour. It's bigoted arseholes like him that give journalists & human beings a bad name. I hope his child grows up 2 b GAY & some arsehole like him outs his child. Then he'll c the consequences of his actions.
Lol! What makes you think
Lol! What makes you think that bisexual, especially white bisexual men, weren't bangin Latinas and Grindr?
I’m sorry but it’s time the
I'm sorry but it's time the gay people be proud of who they are and not hide any more.
We live in a time where it's more acceptable of gay people. I think public outings should happen.
By more acceptable do you
By more acceptable do you mean punishable by imprisonment or death as it is in 70 countries? Or were you referring to how most non-western countries, which is to say most of the world, don't have anti-discrimination laws or hate crime laws?
“Many are not amused”?
"Many are not amused"?
Um, many are from countries where it is punishable to be LGBT.
Amused? No… scared for their lives? Yes.
Do better Instinct Mag. Do better.
Sure, no problem anonymous.
Sure, no problem anonymous.
Always some some scum looking
Always some some scum looking to bring you down. Karma always has a away of of bring full circle that rock you throw and making things right again! Only thing is karmas been busy a shite now days!!!
See Gawker lawsuit.Â
See Gawker lawsuit.
A new lawsuit or the previous
A new lawsuit or the previous one with Hulk Hogan?