Fans will be thrilled to learn that 4-time Survivor icon Oscar “Ozzy” Lusth has recently come out as bisexual.

Lusth is considered one of the franchise’s hearthrobs, dating some high profile celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Kimmel. Although being his sexuality never came upt on the show, Lusth took to social media late last week to open up about being bisexual.

Over the years, Lusth has been vocal about his disdain for the Republican party.
Lusth first appeared on reality television in 2006 when he finished in second place on Survivor: Cook Islands. He returned for three more seasons – Survivor: Micronesia, Survivor: South Pacific, and Survivor: Game Changers.

Throughout the years, Lusth has built a strong social media following on Instagram and Twitter. But it is his adult content on OnlyFans that has kept the fans coming back for more.

Historically, Lusth has always been outspoken about his distaste for certain Republican politicians and the bills they have advocated for. Most castaways keep pretty low profiles after appearing on Survivor, but Lusth’s massive popularity on the series made it pretty impossible for him to lay low. Aside from his regular social media activity on Instagram and Twitter, Lusth has also joined OnlyFans to share adult content. His OF content features mostly solo nudes in and out of the wilderness. But with this big announcement, will we be seeing some more collaborations with others?

I’m waiting to see if it’s just the same bi-sexual troupes and gay erasure. Will he actually have a boyfriend or partner or will M-M be reduced to sex while he has some woman hanging off him. Being a gay man is not limiting yourself and it’s not spectrum. Please dont erase Gay Men