The Music Legend Declares A Series Of Tennessee Bills A “Slate of Hate”
For years, pop icon, Taylor Swift, was mum about her political beliefs. Her fans may have been pressuring her, but much like other legendary country stars Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton, Swift was silent until last year. I don’t really believe it was Swift’s decision to stay quiet at her age and in such a hostile political environment. Behind every mainstream celebrity is a team of people typically making decisions for them. Unlike social media stars, these household names have teams who are also making money off of them. When I think of core Swifties, Taylor’s fanbase, I think of young girls, probably ranging from tweens to young adults, who live in the south and may require their parents to purchase Swift music and memorabilia. If you’re being raised in rural Alabama in a small town, your parents may very well be a conservative. These conservatives may no longer want to buy anything with Swift’s face on it if she’s openly speaking on her political agenda. Fortunately for Swift and her emotions, she came out in support of not only the LGBTQ community, but also the Democratic party last year when she backed a senator who would eventually lose to a Republican. Now, she’s continuing to wave her blue flag high with her latest donation.
According to Variety, Swift donated $113K to the Tennessee Equality Project, an LGBTQ advocacy group which actively is fighting a series of state bills which would permit same-sex couples from adopting based on religious beliefs, allowing businesses to discriminate against serving the LGBTQ community, and others which may lead to transgender discrimination in public bathrooms.
Anyone doing charitable work is impressive. Whether you donate a few bucks towards someone’s GoFundMe or take it to an extreme and deliver a lump sum as someone such as Swift. I imagine, aside from these young girls, Swift has more than a handful of LGBTQ fans, especially the young gays, so this is nothing short of incredible for her to do. As I mentioned earlier, it could potentially be a hit towards her future income, but I am thrilled she is taking a stand for what she believes in. We’re living in a time where anyone can spew their opinion on the internet or social media and when someone takes it above and beyond to do a good deed, we’d got to recognize it. Thanks for being an ally, Taylor!
Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.
H/T: Variety