Back in February 2022, I compiled a list of my favorite WWE wrestlers solely based on their looks. You can find that list here and, spoiler alert, it starts with Austin Theory.
Readers were extremely vocal, especially on Facebook, on whether or not they agreed with my choices. With that in mind, I decided to compile another list just for you!
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What’s great about WWE (or not so great, I guess) is that old talent is always moving on and new talent is always coming in. There’s a seemingly endless amount of man to gawk at no matter who’s on the roster!
So, without further ado, here’s another 10 smoking hot WWE wrestlers.
- Drew McIntyre – Look how big he is. I’d absolutely let him crush me.
2. Drew Gulak – He’s average, in a good way. Older “guy next door” type.
3. Apollo Crews – Squat me just like that, sir.
4. Roman Reigns – I like his butt.
5. Seth Rollins – I’ve seen his nudes. That’s why he’s here.
6. Cody Rhodes – Formally requesting that you bright back your dark hair.
7. Bron Breaker – Just feel like he’d hate fuck…
8. T-Bone – The name alone opens up so many inuendos.
9. Xyon Quinn – I’d let him put me through a table.
10. Ryan Pappolla – He’s a host on “The Bump” but he could host me anytime.
…Oh, and I didn’t forget!
Readers nearly skinned me alive for not including Finn Balor in my last list. And while the Irish lad and former Universal Champion does nothing for my wiener, I have to give you guys what you’re looking for.
Here’s a whole bunch of Finn Balor just for you!
Would you guys like to see me tackle other wrestling promotions in follow up lists? AEW, Impact and Ring of Honor have a lot of good eye candy, too!