This Hungarian Hottie Will Leave You Hungry!

This Hungarian Hottie Will Leave You Hungry!


Or Thirsty!

Alright everyone, I’ve found our new crush of the day! He is a 24 year old from Hungary who is making me…thirsty. Revesz Balint first got me with his angel face! As I began scrolling, I couldn’t be more hypnotized with his ridiculously sexy body. Not only that, but he was so kind to take time out of his day to speak with me! I love showing off these hotties, but it makes it even better when you get to know them. Right?! Catch my brief interview with Balint below!


Bryan Keating: You blew my mind when I came across your Instagram! How do you stay so damn sexy?!

Revesz Balint: I don’t have a secret! The key is not just to train in a right way, but to eat in a right way, most importantly, rest enough! The most common problem in the world of fitness is that everybody starts to train like you are insane, nobody wants to rest. My biggest tip is to sleep at least 8 hours a day.


BK: Do you stick to a particular diet?

RB: My diet is pretty simple. I eat tons of fish and premium red meat. It’s best to try to avoid chicken, because poultry is full of with hormones and antibiotics. I eat chicken about once a week. I eat a lot of vegetables also. My favorite carbs are white rice, sweet, and red potato. 


BK: What makes you attracted to someone?

RB: I like to take care of the people around me. I believe that only positive people can help me to reach my goals. So I tend to attract inspiring, kind and funny personalities.


Last few weeks of the lean bulking season. I'm pretty excited what comes after the fat goes #lean #bulking #fitness #biceps

A post shared by Révész Bálint (@reveszbalint) on


BK: What are your goals for the future?

RB: I started to work on my own training and diet plan, which will available in a few weeks. It will help to lose fat and get in shape, to look muscular and solid, or help to gain muscle and increase strength within 4 weeks. As more of an interest than a talent, I started to try DJing. I play techno and deep house music, you can find my mixes on Mixcloud, link in the bio of my Instagram profile.


We're all going to where we are looking at. #toward #fitness #aesthetic #gymshark

A post shared by Révész Bálint (@reveszbalint) on


BK: What is something many people don’t know about you?

RB: My first hobby was making films and taking photographs. My dream was to be a professional film maker and camera man. As time passed, it faded away, but I still love to creating short clips during holidays and other events.

Feel free to take a peek into Balint’s life through his Instagram! You’re welcome!

Editor's Note: Quotes have been changed for clarity.

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