Is this the perfect (and sad) short film for our socially distant times?
Sundance has released a new short film about long-distance relationships. In order to spotlight the up and coming film directors, the organization behind the Sundance Film Festival created Short of the Week. Short of the Week releases short films with varying topics, creatives, and applications. The one thing they all have in common, however, is a show of promise within the world of filmmaking.
The same can be said for Tyler Rabinowitz who created the newly released short film See You Soon. See You Soon stars James Cusati-Moyer (Slave Play) and Jonny Beauchamp (Kate Keene) as Vincent and Anthony. The two men met on a dating app and decided to see where the relationship took them, despite both living on opposite sides of the country. They then get together for a great (and melancholic) time together.
The film was created before the world went on lockdown due to the coronavirus, but its theme of long-distance dating has struck-a-cord with viewers of this chaotic time. But what actually inspired See You Soon’s story? Rabinowitz says it was a “pivotal moment” in his mid-20s when he fell for a person on a dating app and discovered “the palpable connection we formed despite the distance, time, and reality separating us.”
“My hope is that audiences will come away from the film feeling like they’ve known Vincent and Anthony forever, the same way they felt when they first started talking online,” he said in a statement.