This Vine is In-TOXIC-ating.

I wish I had been warned that Britney Spears Day was going to be on November 5th.  I would have celebrated just like this guy did.  Well, okay, I probably would not have shown my ass or danced in a parking lot, but I would have celebrated some how.


Dancing to "I'm A Slave," this 6 second Vine has occupied too many minutes of my lonely life.  I'm not going to say how many, but I love the fact that it's on loop and I don't have to keep hitting play.  If you get tired of the song, just mute it and keep watching.  Yes, the vine was posted well before Brit Brit's big day, but I think it is very fitting and will watch it about a dozen more times to make sure.



Thanks tony rose.


13 thoughts on “This Vine is In-TOXIC-ating.”

  1. Pleasantly surprised that

    Pleasantly surprised that there are no stupid, bitchy, self-righteous comments on here about how this single video is misrepresenting the gay community by someone who presumes that it was for some reason meant to represent the gay community…yet.

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  3. Lord…dudes moves are

    Lord…dudes moves are intoxicating. And then there's the matter of that cock and THAT ASS!


    Call me?!

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  5. Advertisement
  6. well. the  guy  is  hot, and

    well. the  guy  is  hot, and  I love  the  way he  moves , now  lets  make  it  viral

  7. Well, that display of

    Well, that display of bootylicios skills brings up the question…is this sinfully bouncy, hormone free, ripe, free range, derrière raising the bar to all naughty and nice behinds to a much higher and much more fierce competition level?  
    Vive le derrière!


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