‘Tis The Season … “Jingle Butts” Are Back!



Could you make this video at your work?  Maybe if I worked at CheapUndies.com, I would be very inspired, but we are all not so lucky.

I'm not sure I'd be able to find enough coworkers to recreate this cute "cheeky" video. 

Thanks Zulu Alpha Kilo and The Zuligans for th holiday cheer.






If you want to run this team building holiday activity by your HR representatives, remind them that it's all for charity.  So it has to be okay, right?



The company's motto is "Our belief is that your message has to be simple and evocative to have the slightest chance of being decoded by today’s media-saturated consumer."  We got your mesaage loud and clear.  Slappy Holidays to you, too Zulu Alpha Kilo.


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