Transgender Man Shatters Stereotypes With ‘Then And Now’ Photos

As we are recovering from our celebrations last night, we at Instinct wanted to reflect on some of the top posts of 2017. This one grabbed our attention from the beginning for its honesty and ability to help others.


One transgender man is shattering stereotypes with a powerful social media post.

Musician Jaimie Wilson posted the image below, last week.

In sharing his transformation, he hopes to encourage people not to judge others on their outward appearance.

He writes:

‘DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER,’ he says. ‘I am posting this picture to show that not everyone has to show “signs” to be transgender.

‘You don’t have to pass a test to prove you’re trans… and you sure as hell don’t need ANYONES approval but your own.

‘This life is about finding yourself and becoming YOU.

‘No one’s journey is the same…so stop comparing yourself to others.

‘When I came out people refused to believe I was a man because of how “Feminine” I presented for 18 years.

‘So why am I posting this comparison? Because I want people to see it doesn’t matter what some LOOKS like…if someone has the guts to tell you “I’m transgender” “I’m gay” “I’m bisexual” anything like that PLEASE BELIEVE them and be there for them because stereotypes need to be broken.’

On Facebook, Jaimie explains that the left photograph was taken in March 2015, and the right in March 2017.


‘Coming out as transgender was the best and worst day of my life thus far.

‘I miss having my family in my life…I miss my parents being proud of me…but you know what I don’t miss? I don’t miss the nights I laid alone battling with my feelings…I don’t miss waiting for everyone to leave the house so I could put on masculine clothes and tuck my long hair under a hat…I don’t miss hiding.

‘When you look at me I’m not the strongest, the tallest, or the most handsome man…but you know what I AM? I’m finally ME and god does it feel so good.’

Nearly 20,000 people have commented on Jaimie's Facebook post. 

H/T: Gay Star News

7 thoughts on “Transgender Man Shatters Stereotypes With ‘Then And Now’ Photos”

  1. I don’t think this handsome

    I don't think this handsome sexy guy was ever a girl. Look how perfect his muscle tone is. Look at the size of his hands, his wrists, arms….naval hair,  c'mon people….

  2. March 10, 2017 wasn’t last

    March 10, 2017 wasn’t last week. His pics made the rounds almost a year ago. If you’re going to be that late to the party… don’t bother coming. Instinct is usually late with the news, but this is too much.

    • WE quite aware that this

      We are quite aware that this story was originally posted in March. Please read the paragraph above the first pic in the repost where it explains we are revisiting some of our popular stories of 2017. 

      And we are not late with the news. We have writers across the country who work at all hours of the day to cover news as it breaks.

      Why do people on social media feel they need to be so negative and snarky, especially when they use the name anonymous?   If I were one of the anonymous commentors on here, I would have said, “You stupid idiot. Can’t you read. What a moron!”

      • The title of the article

        The title of the article doesn’t allude to the fact that you are revisiting an old story. It makes it seem as if this is something fresh we should click on. If you are revisiting something then give us an update. Instead you just repost an old article with a clickbait title and some sentence about it being a hit story from 2017.

        • We did the same thing at

          We did the same thing at Thanksgiving  time with multiple stories and other stories at Christmas time and more at New Years.   We changed the author to Instinct Replay. We put Instinct Replay in the secondary title as well.  We added the paragraph at the beginning of the repost. We put Instinct Replay in both the Facebook post and the Tweet. 

    • The title makes it seem to be

      The title makes it seem to be something new. If you’re going to revisit something provide an update in the subject. This is just clickbait with a sentence referring to it being a popular 2017 article.


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