Trump Invites Anti-Gay Pastor for Easter Blessing

Anti-gay pastor Harry Jackson. Image from Daily Caller video via Right-Wing Watch

It’s always a show when Trump invites individuals and teams to the White House.  Who will show?  Who won’t? Who makes a big deal about not attending.  What will the ever serve?

For this weekend’s religious observance, Donald Trump predictively invited an anti-LGBT pastor to deliver an Easter blessing from the White House, according to LGBTQ Nation.


The pastor mentioned is Bishop Harry Jackson, a man who said that people who can’t reproduce are trying to recruit children and that he wants to steal back the rainbow from LGBT people. That phrasing ignores the fact that infertile straight people exist and that gay people didn’t steal the rainbow, but I didn’t expect much else from this guy. He also compared the 2012 marriage equality movement to what was happening in Nazi Germany in the 1940s which makes as much sense as you think it does. Jackson also said that the Black Lives Matter movement won’t work because there are lesbians involved in it who will break patriarchal rule. Not only is that nonsensical, but it’s also homophobic and misogynistic.

Bishop Jackson seems to really dislike LGBT people which is evident if you look at some of his tweets, such as 





So he sees gay people as people who want special treatment and people who want to criminalize independent thought. For as long as I’ve been alive (which hasn’t been very long), I’ve noticed that, while things are going relatively well for LGBT people in the United States, there are things that are not so equal … so LGBT people fought and will continue to fight for equal rights, not special rights. And what would those special rights even look like?

While inviting a notorious homophobe to perform the Easter blessing is disappointing, it’s not terribly surprising to me. What do you think? Was this nothing to really talk about because it was something you could see Trump doing or is this a big deal? Discuss in the comments. 

Source: LGBTQ Nation

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