Sharing some favorite posts on Instagram this week starting with Matthew Camp, who has a golden lasso and he’s not afraid to use it. Plus, his hashtag game is always on point.
Sterling Walker is jacked, packed and ready to go:
Rugby players Herbie Farnworth and Tom Dearden shared a tub #teamwork:
Chris Cragg was bouncing on the beach in Mexico:
Chris Evans confirmed he’s still cute, fluffy hair and all:
Shemar Moore might have said something about bananas being ripe and in season but we got a little lost in the moment:
Hunter Harden’s ‘Golden Bear’ persona was spotted at the International Bear Convergence in Palm Springs:
Apparently, Chris Salvatore shaved his beard and got some crunchy comments. #SalvatoreDontCare
Bruno Baba took his shirt off:
Tintin Padwin contemplated the siren song of the pool:
Former boy bander Ashley Angel Parker likes cold showers:
And Billy Reilich saved a horse:
Chris Salvatore is fine without a beard, I prefer him with but. so long as he does NOT shave below the chin its all good.
Chris Evans will always be ‘cute’.
more guys need to get naked!!