Virginia AG Asks Supreme Court to Take Up VA’s Same-Sex Marriage Case

Virginia's Attorney General Mark Herring wants the Supreme Court to take up his state's same-sex marriage case.

WHY THIS IS A BIG DEAL #1: because for the first time the state asking for a High C'ourt ruling on this is actually on our side. That's right, Virginia is taking the position that its own same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional, and should be struck down. Hm, sounds like that "Virginia is for lovers" slogan might mean somethin', huh?


WHY THIS IS A BIG DEAL #2: The Virginia ban is one of the harshest in the country. Seriously. More stringent than California's Proposition 8, it not only bars and refuses civil unions, it also prevents same-sex couples from adopting children. Even Utah’s ban at least preserved contractual rights exercised independently of the same-sex-marriage restriction, but the Virginia law voids ‘any contractual rights created by’ same-sex marriages performed legally in other states.

Source: Buzzfeed




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