What Gay Clique Do You Fall Into? Where Is Your Clique More Desired Geographically?

Some people love belonging to a clique, a group, and even sometimes a common mentality.   Just look at how successful bear weeks, circuit parties, lesbian weekends, cruises oriented toward certain groups are within our community.  Others feel the division of our Rainbow family into groups will just lead to internal strife and separation. Ok, good.  blah blah blah.  Now that was discussed, let's find out what Gay Clique you belong in if you buy into all that stuff and want to know.


There's been a gay cliques census popping around the internet that helps us confused zoo animals to find out where we fit into the gay menagerie.  The piece that has been shared by many of my friends is actually just one part of a survey that Dylan from NoodlesandBeef.com created.  If you are one of the confused animals or want to check if how you self identified is correct, head over to http://www.studiomoh.com/fun/census/results.php and find out what animal you may be. 

How accurate was the survey?


There are other images around that site, like this one below, where it shows the statistics of how people from each clique have self-identified in regard to sexual position.

The other part of the survey / census is a preference survey, where some of that top / bottom info came from.  This part asks you how you animal-istically identify as well as who are you attracted to, how often you have sex, etc.  That part can be found at https://studiomoh.com/fun/census/



I'm collecting information on Gay Cliques and I need your help.

What is it that makes someone a bear? What are Otters attracted to? Where are all the tops? With enough input, I'll be able to solve these questions and many more about our diverse community.

You can read up on the latest results of this survey on my blog, check out the live infographic, or the geographic results of this survey.

Thanks in advanced,



Even though NoodlesandBeef.com is no longer an active blog, the results can be found and the tally seems to be on going.  If you head over to http://archive.noodlesandbeef.com/tagged/census, you will see results like this one below.


So great,  you found out what animal you are, you've said what you like and who you like.  Now where can you go to where the boys may be hunting down a man like you?  Head over to http://studiomoh.com/fun/census/geography.php  to find out where you are found sexually desirable. 


Thanks Dylan for the fun in the zoo of LGBT men.  Do we all agree with the results?  Do some of us think this is all crazy crap that serves to divide us even further? Do we want to travel to where we may be hunted?  Yes, yes, and yes.

We're sorry to hear that Dylan had to shut down his NoodlesandBeef blog.  To learn why, head over to http://noodlesandbeef.com/ for his goodbye vide.

Images from noodlesandbeef.com and studiumoh.com


5 thoughts on “What Gay Clique Do You Fall Into? Where Is Your Clique More Desired Geographically?”

  1. I think many of us don’t

    I think many of us don't really like labels like these ones because it feels like reducing a group of complex people to a bunch of simplistic categorizations.

  2. Advertisement
  3. I find all the categorizing

    I find all the categorizing insulting. It turns it all back into Chinese mythology and humans into objects. Even with the bottom/ tops speakers. You like it up the butt, you don't, Chinese..sure..sure. I am a person first, not some psychopaths sex toy that a year later is realized is more than a convenient cock. My god did I add to your understanding of construction engineering, cooking with garlic and chicken, adding to your savings by moving paying rent. Whoa that was weird. Cut it out


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