What Is misterb&b? Who Is it For?

When it comes to travel, my friends rely on me to make all the arrangements, pick places to go, see, drive the vehicles, and stay in.  They expect me to be the tour guide when we touch down, know every hot spot, and where we should and should not go.  I do not disappoint, but there’s often a lot of research involved, time spent, and plenty of second guessing.  When planning, I’m always in search for some insider thoughts, suggestions, and places in the center of it all. 


My search for a better vacation for me and my friends with less effort brought me to misterb&b.

What Is misterb&b? Who Is It For?

Matthieu Jost, the co-founder of misterb&b, had mixed results when staying at rooms he rented through other travel websites. Jost and others founded misterb&b in 2014. It took only 3 years for misterb&b to grow to more than 130,000 hosts in 135 different countries, become the largest gay-friendly hotelier service in the world.

The social networking and travel website and app misterb&b (found on the AppStore & Google Play) offers safe travel and lodging opportunities worldwide to the gay community. Users can search a hefty database of listings for short-term rentals of gay friendly rooms, full apartments, and entire houses. When planning to visit a city for Pride, for other major LGBTQ+ events, or during any time of year for any occasion, searching the app is great since you can find locales near all the action.


What Are the Problems misterb&b Aims to Solve?

Popular apps and websites try to give a great deal of information about places to rent for short terms, but it’s difficult if not impossible to find out ahead of time whether the hosts will be gay-friendly. With misterb&b, many awkward conversations and potentially dangerous situations are avoided by the company’s pre-screening process of hosts so gay travelers know ahead of time that they’ll be arriving at safe, comfortable, and gay-friendly accommodations.

Helping gay travelers stay in their comfort zones no matter where they roam is one great benefit of using this app, but misterb&b is also designed to be entertaining and expand the horizons of the users! It gives travelers the opportunity to visit parts of cities and locations they may never have thought of as gay friendly before. Travelers can benefit from the wisdom of other gay people and explore places, venues, and exciting spots other apps don’t list.

Going abroad to a country you’ve never visited before, or even a new city you’ve never been in is exciting. Exploring on your own can be fun, but you may risk getting lost and it might be a little lonely. Having a friendly guide to a new location practically guarantees you’ll have a better journey. Imagine if you could have a familiar face–an old friend, perhaps–waiting for you at the airport, train station, or even at the steps of the place where you’ll be staying. Doesn’t that make you feel a whole lot better about your journey? misterb&b helps you find a gay-friendly room, get some recommendations from your knowledgeable host, and find fun, exciting things to do! In many cases, your host will even participate in local, fun activities with you.

How Do You Use misterb&b?

The steps are quite simple.

  1. Open the app and tap in your destination.
  2. Use the app’s filters to customize the choices to accommodations to fit your needs, including amenities and price range.
  3. Choose the perfect gay room, apartment, or house for your needs.
  4. Send a booking request to the host. Consider contacting more than one host at a time, in case your top choice isn’t available,
  5. Once your host confirms that your booking is available for the dates you’ve selected, finalize your booking with a payment.

misterb&b is designed to be as user-friendly as possible. If a user has any problems using the service, they can talk to a misterb&b’s support agent to resolve any possible issues.


What Are the 3 Biggest Benefits of Using misterb&b?

1. TRAVEL SAFE: misterb&b not only guarantees the accommodations listed on its app, but it also hands the traveler that extra pillow when they need it. It means having someone who will be there for the LGBTQ+ traveler when they need it. That someone is a caring, like-minded person who has the same goal as the traveler: Helping the visitor feel welcome, not judged.

2. CONNECT: misterb&b users can use the app to explore gay communities they might not otherwise be familiar with. The app gives both hosts and travelers the opportunity to connect with the wider gay community and explore gay-friendly spaces with a local connection. Hosts can help their guests take full advantage of their gaycation, from pointing out the nicest bars to locating quirky clubbing opportunities to sharing the best local restaurants, watering holes, and shopping centers. More than just helping the traveler find their way around, misterb&b lets them explore the city like a gay local.

3. EARN: Hosts can earn money by renting out an extra room, an apartment, part of a house, or even the entire house. misterb&b is proud to be a part of the sharing economy, providing a service for real people that helps other real people earn a profit.

Misterb&b is much more than a simple gay app for finding a gay room mate during a gay event in a new city. misterb&b is a way to make life better. Traveling within the gay community makes us feel as if we’re traveling with friends–but, even better, we’re making new friends! We are very ready for our next misterb&b travel experience.

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