What Percent Of Doctors Don’t Know About Truvda / PrEP? Shocking!


Do you know enough about Truvada / PrEP?  I think I still have some questions, but I just haven't taken the time to look at all the facts, figures, and what not.  If you are like me and think we can go to our doctors with those questions and get answers, we may be wrong. 


Even though taking a daily pill can protect almost completely against getting H.I.V., a third of primary care doctors and nurses in the United States have never heard of it, federal health officials said this week.

Taking Truvada daily gives better than 90 percent protection to men at risk of getting H.I.V. from gay sex, and better than 70 percent protection to drug injectors at risk of getting it from sharing syringes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Providers play a central role in increasing awareness and uptake of PrEP,” Dr. Eugene McCray, director of the agency’s division of H.I.V. prevention, said, using the acronym for pre-exposure prophylaxis, as the practice of taking the drug for prevention is known.

Truvada is currently the only antiretroviral drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for PrEP, but its maker, Gilead Sciences, does not advertise it for that purpose. The C.D.C. calculated that about 25 percent of all healthy gay men, 20 percent of all healthy drug injectors and about 0.4 percent of all healthy heterosexual women would benefit from being on the drug; the gay men because they have an infected partner or have unprotected sex with multiple partners, the drug injectors because they share syringes and the women because they have partners who inject drugs or are bisexual. There are an estimated 45,000 new H.I.V. infections in the United States each year. – www.nytimes.com

Looks like I better do my own research before making that appointment.

Have you had a conversation about Truvada / PrEP with your doctor?  How did it go?


H.T. – NYTimes.com


7 thoughts on “What Percent Of Doctors Don’t Know About Truvda / PrEP? Shocking!”

  1. Don’t worry about doctors,

    Don't worry about doctors, worry about users and the whole bubble that this drug created in the community!! ofc doctors know about the drug, there is nothing new in it! it is the same old drug used for HIV positive patients with a fancy cute name! instead u should talk about the cost (between $8,000 and $14,000 per year ​) and the severe side effects which makes most ppl quit the treatment before the intended duration.

  2. My doctor had no idea what
    My doctor had no idea what PrEP/Truvada was. I sat in his office while he looked it up. Furthermore, when I went to the pharmacist to pick up my prescription he asked me what was my combination drug that I’m taking with it for my hiv. I had to educate him as well.

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  4. My doctor had no idea what
    My doctor had no idea what PrEP/Truvada was. I sat in his office while he looked it up. Furthermore, when I went to the pharmacist to pick up my prescription he asked me what was my combination drug that I’m taking with it for my hiv. I had to educate him as well.

  5. It’s crazy that the LGBT

    It's crazy that the LGBT community isn't more aware too. The prescription ends up being free after insurance and a $100 discount from the drug manufacturer.  Cost me nothing. All you have to do is sign up at http://www.gilead.com. Do your research people, that's what I did.

  6. I consulted my Doctor, he had



    I consulted my Doctor, he had heard of Prep but didn't know much about it.  Luckily, he has been my Physician for 15 years.  Told me he would research it and called me back for an appointment.  Along with education and a prescription.  6 months no side effects and no issues. Greater piece mind and protection. 


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