When We Can’t Have Nice Things Because Of Homophobic Trumpsters

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And this is why we cannot have nice things.  Small-handed trump supporters took to the streets of Delray Beach, Florida with their overcompensating vehicles to defile a rainbow intersection that was installed last Saturday and was dedicated to those who lost their lives in the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando five years ago.


The LGBTQ Pride Intersection in Delray Beach was the target of the deplorables as they seems to question which direction their lives are going in. 

A photo from the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council shows tire marks in the middle of the colorful intersection along NE 2nd Avenue and NE 1st Street.

But what is better than a photograph?  A video of these shit stains for humans marking up the intersection.  The human skid marks left rubber across the LGBTQ Pride Intersection in a show of knowing how to waste precious and expensive gas, you know the pricey commodity that is Obama’s,Biden’s, and Hillary’s fault. 

“There are many things that indicate this is a hate crime targeted against the community. I hate to say I was saddened, but not surprised. There’s a part of me that expected it. Unfortunately, we deal with this every day.” – Nicholas Coppola, a member of the Palm Beach County LGBTQ Community Center in Lake Worth Beach – CBS12.com


So yes,  the pics and tweets are below but here is footage of the mentally challenged “drivers” marking up the intersection.

So … since this was dedicated as a memorial, there may be felony charges brought against the owner of the truck and /or driver.  In a Facebook post by the Palm Beach County Human Rights Campaign, the group said:

Delray Beach Police Department are trying to locate the person or people who damaged the LGBTQ Pride Intersection Monday afternoon. Under a new law (Section 806.135, Florida Statutes, “Destroying or demolishing a memorial or historic property”), this should be considered a 2nd degree felony.


It’s too bad we cannot have nice things. But it will not be too bad when small people lose their job, their truck, their whatever else we can take away for being less than human. 

UPDATE – Just moments after we published this piece, there was a great update – 

One person has been arrested and accused of defacing the LGBTQ Pride Intersection in Delray Beach.


Alexander Jerich, 20, turned himself in Thursday afternoon.

He is charged with criminal mischief over $1,000, reckless driving, and evidence of prejudice (felony enhancement).

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Source:  CBS12.com

This post contains opinions of this contributing writer and most sane people, but may not reflect those opinions of other writers or the magazine.

12 thoughts on “When We Can’t Have Nice Things Because Of Homophobic Trumpsters”

  1. Since this fat inbred 20 year old redneck is so ignorant that he would wreck his rear tires by defacing a Pride intersection in addition to poisoning the air burning up his rear tires, he deserves prison time and heavy fines of $10,000+ for this malicious act. This is disgusting and unacceptable. I guess this is just more valid proof that conservatism is a very grave psychiatric disorder.

  2. Even though he acted like a douche I don’t think his DoB and address should be listed. A mistake at 20 shouldn’t potentially wreck him for the rest of his life.

    • He is an adult and a mistake like this is a serious crime so he deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

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  4. hopefully in prison he will have a nice 6’4″ gay body builder as a roomie and help him discover he is just covering up his real nature!!

  5. Watch…in a couple of days he will be interviewed on FOX News whining about how his freedom of speech has been taken away and his religious freedoms. Some conservative a**hole will start a GoFundMe for his legal costs, too.

  6. He looks like a real winner… imagine being this stupid. The judge should make him personally re-paint the intersection so everybody can drive by and see him doing it.

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  8. His punishment should be that he not only has to pay for the repainting but he has to do the work. When he is done then he should be forced to work in gay bars for a month, picking up trash and cleaning the bathrooms. After that month he should have to write a $5000 check made payable to the LGBT community and take a course on LGBT hate crimes and then make a personal public apology.

    • Not to mention a felony charge that sticks so that he can’t ever own a firearm legally for the rest of his life. He took his own 2nd amendment right away, lol!

      • Oh trust me, right wing lawyers and pundits will try to twist the laws around and this ignorant Trumptard will eventually get his Second Amendment rights back. That is exactly how conservatives operate when they don’t get their way.


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