Who Doesn’t Love A Good Metaphor?

Facundo Rodriguez for Boy Butter (screen captures)

Check out the 2020 Boy Butter TV commercial starring woofy Facundo Rodriguez for season 12 of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

If you tend to watch RPDR live, you’re probably familiar with the provocative ad spots that have sponsored the show since 2012.


The clip began airing during the show’s season premiere last week on VH1 in NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, South Florida on VH1 and nationwide in Canada on OutTV.

This is Rodriguez’s second ad spot for the company. You can check out his previous butter churning efforts here.

Facundo Rodgriguez (screen capture)

Past hotties featured in the tongue-in-cheek campaign include Seth Fornea and Samuel Lemar.


The campaign did hit a bit of a bump in the road when the spots were banned by Comcast in the Chicago market in 2017.

“According to ComCast TV in the so-called liberal windy city of Chicago did not think viewers could handle the level of gayness in this ad starring sexy ginger, Seth Fornea, who is showing us all how to properly use a butter churn,” wrote Boy Butter founder Eyal Feldman on the company’s blog.

“One of the best things about owning a personal lubricant company is the marketing, creating fun tongue in cheek ads that push my products as well as my own gay point of view,” he added.

Shot on location on Fire Island, the spot – directed by Daniel Robinson – is perfect in its simplicity: hot shirtless guy intently focused on churning butter in the dunes.

Who doesn’t love a good metaphor?

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