Woman Gets Burned To A Crisp By Campbell’s Soup Over Her FB Post.

It seems that not all One Million Moms don't watch television at the same pace.  Either that or they like to dive back to old unsuccessful campaigns.


A story we ran back in October of 2015, Campbell's Soup Releases Ad Starring Gay Dads! has come back to life as Campbell has increased its broadcasting of the Darth Vader dads, bringing it to the attention of One Million Moms as well as some conservatives out there.

Let's start with Karen the Konservative.  Unfortunately her narrow mind was might not have been able to survive the severe burn that the Campbell's ForHelp responder served her.


Sorry Karen.  That had to hurt.

But Karen's response, although more than a year and a half late are timely if paired with the One Million Moms' response in early April.


A homosexual "married" couple is featured prominently with a young boy (their son) in the new Campbell's Soup advertisement. Campbell's #RealRealLife campaign aims to change the face of the American family. It starts off with the first man feeding soup to the little boy and in a "Star Wars" Darth Vader voice says, "Luke, I am your father." Then the other man enters the scene and says, "No, Luke, I am your father." How confusing for this little boy and for all children viewing this commercial. Obviously, Campbell's is sending the message that homosexual men are raising children, whom they wouldn't have if a woman wasn't involved, and they are ok with it.

Campbell's Soup is glorifying this unnatural marriage. One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin. 1MM does not agree with the need for Campbell's to support same sex marriages or couples.

Companies should advertise the quality of their products. It is no longer about the product but about their cause. They should not be highlighting who is attracted to whom or who sleeps with whom. This is a marketing decision Campbell's will regret.

This gay-inclusive commercial is attempting to desensitize viewers. There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are attempting to redefine "family" and "real marriage." – onemillionmoms.com (April 5, 2017)


Unnatural? Ugh. What may be unnatural is that the Married Campbell's Soup Ad Gay Dads Landed HBO Series Roles!!!  We want to be unnatural for that !

Of course there are reports that this is not the true Campbell's Soup company response line. And others say it is, but if you look at the image at the upper right corner of the response, it looks like someone was not that talented in pasting in the comment over the original one. Fake or not, we love the response.

Best of luck boys. And sorry Karen and One Million Moms. We're going show that commercial again.



h/t: reddit

13 thoughts on “Woman Gets Burned To A Crisp By Campbell’s Soup Over Her FB Post.”

  1. where does it say these men

    where does it say these men are married or a couple? could one be a father and the other an uncle. or 2 uncles ? Karen is so worried about the "gay" agenda that she's created one. hateful bitch

  2. What an amazing, and

    What an amazing, and heartfelt commercial! I need to start eating more Campbell's products.

    By the way, instead of "One Million Moms", they should call them "One Million Bitches", because that's all they do.

  3. One thing gay couples are

    One thing gay couples are doing, that is extremely beneficial for children, is adopting. Same sex couples commonly adopt children from an orphanage. The more accepting we are of this, the more gay people will be open, and there will eventually be less orphans in the world.

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  5. Jesus… a single, radical

    Jesus… a single, radical Jewish guy, living with 12 other single radical Jewish guys, who's "favorite" was the young Matthew, and best friend, a hooker… do the math.

  6. What I find most confusing is

    What I find most confusing is how strongly these movies are marketed toward children that are advised not to see them until they're at least 13 if not older.

  7. The Campbell’s response isn’t

    The Campbell's response isn't actually really from the company. It's one of the many imposter handles that popped up trying to call out the right wing bigots, and bait them in the process, as they think it's legit.  

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  9. I love  how all these god

    I love  how all these god fearing people hate and judge. Isn't that God's job to past judgment..not yours …so be kind to all and hope you get past the gates because your breaking a few of the commandments. 

  10. What a load of crap!! It

    What a load of crap!! It shouldn't matter wether a child has a two dad's or two mum's, infact it has been the case for centuries with divorcees remarrying establishing "step" families.

    Clearly Karen and one million mum's need to bring themselves out of the dark ages and into the 21 at century and stop being so biggoted.

    And it's only an advert for goodness sake!! Take a chill pill love!

  11. Woohoo, great commercial!

    Woohoo, great commercial!  Tell Karen to get out of town if she does it like it.  Wait, I'll do it.  Karen get the Fu** outta here!  

    A gay man and a great partner.  

    Real name is Al



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  13. Love the commercial and the

    Love the commercial and the One Million Moms Organization should really look inside. Moms should not be spreading hate, they should be spreading love and happiness a the fact that children have loving homes where they grow up full of love. Shame on those who do not see it. 

  14. Its a great commercial and

    Its a great commercial and there are so many children who have gay parents who get the love and support that their biological parents didn't give them. Sounds like Karen and alot of the million moms need to read their bibles and ask God to forgive them for judging and spreading hate instead of love and acceptance which God and his sons expects from all of us.

  15. I love the commercial. Screw

    I love the commercial. Screw Karen and her backwards, narrow-minded viewpoint.


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