How much are a few years of marriage to a closeted gay man worth? That’s a question one woman in South Africa had to ask herself.
According to Times Live, an unnamed woman living in Cape Town recently filed to sue her husband after he came out as gay two months ago. This announcement was made on the couple’s sixth anniversary. The couple then immediately started living separately.
In the lawsuit, the wife asked for nine million South African Rand (roughly $600,000) to make up for emotional pain, psychological trauma, and loss of income. But it looks like she may have asked for too much, as a judge rejected the plea.
Judge Mark Sher shared that the 368-page lawsuit about the relationship was an “abuse of process” and “devoid of relevance.” The extensive lawsuit included “explicit details” about the relationship in order to “cast doubt” on the husband’s honesty. That said, the Judge noted how none of the details explained why the wife was asking for half a million dollars.
“By any standard this seems to be an excessive amount,” Judge Sher said, “notwithstanding the parties’ societal standing, [the husband’s] alleged means and the scale of the litigation thus far.”
According to Times Live, the woman and her representation are now looking to appeal the judge’s decision.

In terms of LGBTQ rights, South Africa is one of the most progressive in the continent of Africa. LGBTQ people hold most rights that their straight/cis peers do. This includes anti-discrimination laws, same-sex marriage, and more. That said, there is still rampant homophobia and anti-gay rhetoric spread across the country.
And in this specific case, it seems part of that came into play. Though, there is some compassion deserved for the wife who’d been in the dark for many years. Though, that compassion doesn’t equate to half a million dollars.
Source: Times Live