Your Balls Can Apparently Taste?



TikTok Guys Have Misinterpreted A Study And Have Been Dipping Their Balls Into Soy Sauce

We now live in a world where the majority of people are in their homes videotaping themselves on their mobile devices to go viral for some internet notoriety. Whether you’re a fan of modern media or not:  You can either keep the kid’s baseball in your yard forever or play with them, because the viral stars, challenges, and sensations aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. While the latest social media app, TikTok, has received special attention from the current White House Administration, it’s even more recognized by Generation Z and beyond as the new way to connect and move – sometimes literally. TikTok offers its users to perform viral “challenges” which has someone take on a typically goofy test of some sort. Earlier this year, a challenge was to see if men were able to taste through their testicles and its popularity isn’t over with.

According to Trendings, the Soy Sauce Challenge comes from Gen Z misinterpreting a 2013 study that male testes have taste receptors. A female TikTok user challenged male users to dip their balls into something, such as soy sauce which has high amino acids, to see if they’d be able to taste it organically through touch. TikTokers being themselves, of course jumped at the opportunity. One user attempted the challenge… in his car, and claimed it to be true. A YouTube star, Matthew Lush, tried it out at home (along with testing out orange juice) and also said he could absolutely taste it. There are plenty of other videos of gay men trying out the challenge… and it’s a bit curious to wonder if gays are much more comfortable dipping their boys into places they normally aren’t.


However, a psychiatrist has dumped on the theory that men’s balls have the ability to taste. Apparently, when you anticipate something salty, your mouth will water, and the users are likely getting a whiff of the soy sauce and that’s likely the “taste” they experience.

While this challenge was initiated in January of this year, yet the videos are still floating around and may be the next wave of viral videos since we all probably have soy sauce in our cabinets. Or in our refrigerators? Maybe temperature preference of soy is a more broad debate! 

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Source: Trendings

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