Alex Tikas & Julian Torres On How They Make Being A Porn Couple Work

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Facts are facts: challenges will always happen when you are in a relationship with another person or persons. A unique task that only a select few have to tackle are the couples who happen to make a living in the adult industry.


Porn star couples kind of go hand in hand with A-list ones as there is an understanding of what they do and who they are that can make their lives together easier. You rarely see a celebrity dating a non-celebrity as they may not totally grasp what their world is all about. There have been exceptions (Matt Damon married a waitress, Elizabeth Taylor exchanged vows with a construction worker) but for the most part it has been the standard in both industries for decades.

Alex Tikas and Julian Torres are a great example of what a porn couple can be as they are able to excel at being adult film stars in their own right while maintaining a healthy relationship at home.

The Washington D.C. duo chatted with us at Instinct about their interesting beginnings, if they get jealous while watching each other’s work and breaking down the stigmas that they and many others have faced for years now.

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How did you two meet? 

We had been in touch for a while on Twitter planning about getting together but it never happened. Then, a mutual client hired us together. We met at his place in DC.

Was it love or lust at first sight or neither? 


Alex: I had literally just ended a relationship and was super excited and determined to focus on myself and take a year to just “date myself”. Then (Julian) walked in the door and I literally thought “fuck, I’m totally screwed.” It came at me like bolt. It was love at first sight, at least for me.

Julian: I had broken up with my ex about 5 months before I met him. I walked in at this client’s place and I saw him and my first thought was “WOOF, damn”. After we finished with the client, I asked him if he wanted to have dinner and he said yes. After that, I invited him to come to my place and he never left. The rest is history. 

Are you guys open outside of the industry?

We are both very open outside the industry. We are both free to have sex with whoever we want as long as there is fearless, open and honest communication.


We only have two deal breakers. There is no dating outside our relationship and no drugs.

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Do you find that it’s easier to date someone in your profession due to the type of work you do? 


Not only easier but should be a requirement. We compare dating someone outside our profession to an Ultra-Orthodox Rabi marrying the daughter of the leader of Al Qaeda. Clearly love is not enough. There is way too much judgement in our society and we understand that it’s important to “keep up appearances”. We are not interested in surrounding ourselves with judgement and shame nor interested in inflicting that on others. 

Does jealousy ever come up from watching your partners work on screen or anything in between?

We get jealous sometimes because it’s a natural emotion. It always comes up but in a healthy discussion. Just because you have a Michelin 4-star menu at home doesn’t mean you’re not in the mood for Domino’s Pizza sometimes. Jealousy is a waste of time. I love him. He loves me. We take care of each other. We are both incredibly attracted to each other. So if Rocco Steele wants to take his turn on him, I’m like “Dudes gonna wreck you’re hole! Lucky Bastard!”, and we move on.

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What is the biggest myth about porn couples that you both would like to dispel?

That we lack intelligence and cognizant thinking or we are in a state of constant drug induced orgy times. 

We like to fuck. We enjoy it. We make a very comfortable living doing it. But then we come home. We watch Ozark and one of us decides to jump on the sling or one of us will make empanadas or its laundry day or the dog needs to get walked. As Judy Garland used to say, “I’m only Judy for an hour and a half, the rest of the time I’m just a human being.” Exciting times huh? 


You can get to know more about each of them here:

Alex: JustForFans, Twitter, Instagram

Julian: JustForFans, Twitter, Instagram

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