We Are Family-Watch Cory Booker & RuPaul Find Out That They’re Cousins

From the moment New Jersey Senator Cory Booker came down the runway on RuPaul’s already missed talk show last summer, their mutual admiration was evident. Senator Booker was forthcoming & engaging about everything from his relationship with actress Rosario Dawson, who was in the audience that day) to getting the voters out to the polls for the upcoming election.  


During that interview, Ru also disclosed to Senator Booker that they were in fact, related. Quick backstory: RuPaul took part in participated in the most recent season of the PBS series Finding Your Roots which explores the “DNA of American culture” which uses DNA codes to deeply trace celebrities’ connections and ancestry. RuPaul’s genetics show that he and Senator Booker, (who participated in Season 1 of that series), share identical DNA. Booker’s immediate reaction about his newly found familial connection- “it’s beautiful”. Booker reiterated his joy on The Wendy Williams Show last week, saying “So yeah, my mom knows, I just, I love RuPaul, and I haven’t had a chance to talk to him since the news was revealed but I was very happy about that news and I hope that he and I can have a family reunion sometime.”


When RuPaul learned the news, he said “He looks like my kin.” In an episode that aired earlier this month, he said “there’s a sweetness about him that I’ve always loved and an intellect that’s undeniable. But every time I’ve ever seen him, he reminds me of my cousin Yula.”

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