Endearing Holiday Etsy Ad Features Black Gay Couple

Etsy BlackGayCoupleAd
Image via YouTube @Etsy

A new advertisement from Etsy has given us the holiday feel we love and the diverse representation we crave!

In preparation for the holiday season, the e-commerce company Etsy has released a new campaign called “Gift Like You Mean It.” The campaign celebrates love, family acceptance, and, of course, presents. And at the center of those themes is a black gay couple named Brandon and David.


At the beginning of the video, Brandon and David are seen visiting relatives for holiday festivities. The thing is, this is their first time going as a couple.

The words, “Don’t worry, they’re going to love you,” are said between the two as they stand outside the house’s door. But as the couple is let inside, they are welcomed with love and acceptance. An older relative even offers the nervous boyfriend a present while saying, “We didn’t forget about you. Welcome to the family.”

You can watch the moment below.


This is the latest moment in a series of LGBTQ-inclusive holiday advertising and content to spring up this year. With television channels like Lifetime producing gay-themed or inclusive holiday films, gays tweeting their desire for gay holiday movies seem to have succeeded. Though, Hallmark has yet to follow through on the issue. Thankfully, streaming channels are also getting into this field. Hulu is releasing Happiest Season later this month. And that’s not all, as Netflix is also preparing to release a holiday series that includes several gay side characters.

As for advertisements, Oreo released a similar “meet the parents” advertisement last month in which a female couple receives a rainbow sign from one of their dads. But will any other companies advertise to us this holiday season? We’ll see as we get closer to the festive time.

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