Andy Herren Was Threatened At Gunpoint

InstinctAndyHerrenAttacked e1638839706134
Image via YouTube | Big Brother – The Truth Comes Out

Big Brother Winner, Andy Herren, Details His Horrifying Attack After Midnight In Chicago

The unfortunate irony of this next story is baffling. While we’re now obsessing over the Jussie Smollett hoax trial, real life crimes are happening all around the nation. Back in 2013, a quirky redhead from Chicago, Andy Herren, became Big Brother’s first openly gay winner. Herren participated in the ultra-controversial season fifteen – which was plagued by tons of racism and heinous exchanges that have hindered that particular so bad, it’s unlikely that we’ll ever see a returning contestant from that era. Since season fifteen, the show has changed drastically and is seen as more scripted than ever. It truly was the end of one era, but at least we got a great, gay winner out of it. Nowadays, thirty-five-year-old Herren still resides in Chicago. Recently, he experienced a horrifying attack on the streets of Chicago.


According to Heavy, Herren was held up at gunpoint in Chicago late around 1:30AM on November 28th. As stated above, Herren shrilled and ran away, and then noted the danger of losing his life over an iPhone but basically, he blacked out in the moment and fled. Instinct reached out to Herren to get more details on his random attack. Check out our brief exchange below:

Mickey Keating: First of all, I’m glad you’re okay! I’m from the southside of Chicago, so I’m well aware how much crime has overtaken the city and to be honest, I’m glad I don’t live there any longer. These random Boystown attacks have been happening much more often for the last twelve years. If you’re able to reveal any other details outside of your initial tweet, I’m all ears.


Andy Herren: I was walking home a little bit drunk, not super [belligerent]. I think being drunk gave me a little bit of liquid current. If I was sober, I would’ve probably given the mugger all of my stuff. I drunkenly and impulsively yelled no and ran into the middle of the road. I think the mugger probably was looking for an easy target in Lakeview [Boystown] and he didn’t expect me to react that way. I didn’t file a police report because I was dog sitting and had to pack a bag. I had to go back outside so I was freaking out about that. I didn’t get a good look at the person. I know he was African-American, but I’m not sure if he was old or young, [so I couldn’t give a good description]. I’ve lived in Chicago for ten years, I hope the city gets the crime under control but I have no idea if they will. I’m not sure if I was targeted specifically for being gay, but it was in Lakeview and [the LGBTQ+ community] can be easy targets.

MK: Since you’ve now lived it, would you give any advice to someone else who may unfortunately go through the same experience?

AH: Be more aware of your surroundings. I was an easy target looking down at my phone ordering a pizza. I made an impulsive choice, but I would normally suggest giving away your belongings rather than fighting back [in order to protect your life].

MK: And, well, since I have you – big obvious question, do you ever think you’ll make a reality television return?


AH: I mean, never say never. But, I have no desire to go back on television anytime soon. I’m loving life chilling with my winnings, so I don’t think I’ll go back, but never say never!

Thankfully, Herren is a ‘okay and seemed to be in uplifting spirits as he chatted on a break from bowling, pins being struck and strikes thrown as he spoke. Random attacks, actual hate crimes, and actual criminals happen constantly – please let this be a reminder to keep yourselves safe.

Writer’s Note: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Source: Heavy

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