Tegan Zayne Calls Fellow Porn Star Wesley Woods a ‘Hypocrite’

Porn star Tegan Zayne, who was the first of five men to accuse Topher DiMaggio of sexual assault back in January, has now gone after another porn star who he deems to be a 'hypocrite.'


Tegan called out fellow porn star Wesley Woods on Twitter Friday after director Chi Chi Larue tweeted about an upcoming appearance of him at a gay bar in Minnesota.

What Tegan is referring to is in regards to Wesley's criticism regarding Colby Keller voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.  This was something that Wesley discussed over seven months ago, and hasn't talked much about since then. 


"You cannot sit here and vote to put someone in power that is actively trying to take away rights from people, and not apologize or feel bad for it.  It's easy for him to vote this way, and step back and not have to worry about the repercussions of what his vote did," Wesley said in an interview with IntoMore back in September 2017. 

His rant about Wesley continued further and further, where he then accused him of  “shamelessly enjoying his white privilege”.  The irony in all of this is that Wesley was the one to originally call Colby out for white privilege in his letter to him last year, and now Tegan is doing it to Wesley, just in a completely different and confusing context.  

Wesley simply had this to say about Tegan calling him out:


He also tried to clear up any confusion regarding the whole "white privilege thing", saying:


A head scratcher indeed.








1 thought on “Tegan Zayne Calls Fellow Porn Star Wesley Woods a ‘Hypocrite’”

  1. Any gay person who supports

    Any gay person who supports Republicanism in its present form may as well sign up to an ex-gay camp. Donald Trump [gay] supporters like Peter Thiel do not give a damn about social justice and equality. Their minds are only set on how much money they can make to keep themselves happy.


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