Aaron Rodgers Faces Intense Criticism Over HIV Remarks

NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers is facing criticism after making controversial remarks suggesting that Dr. Anthony Fauci engineered the HIV/AIDS pandemic during an appearance on the “Look Into It with Eddie Bravo” podcast in March.

During the podcast, Rodgers implied that the federal government assisted Dr. Fauci in creating the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. He also referred to the HIV/AIDS crisis as the “blueprint” for the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Create a pandemic, you know, with a virus that’s going wild, right? Only—he was given, Fauci was given over $350 million to research this, to come up with drugs, new or repurposed to handle the AIDS pandemic. And all they came up with AZ—was AZT,” Rodgers claimed.


Despite acknowledging that he is not an expert in the field, Rodgers defended his right to question authority and conduct his own research.

“But that was the game plan back then: create an environment where only one thing works. Back then, AZT. Now? Remdesivir—Remdesiviruntil we get a vaccine,” Rodgers added, referencing the antiviral medication used to treat Covid-19.

Dr. Fauci, a leading expert in infectious diseases, has been instrumental in developing treatments that have enabled people with HIV to live longer, healthier lives. He has also played a key role in overseeing the U.S. response to the Covid-19 pandemic under both the Trump and Biden administrations.

Despite making these bold claims, Rodgers provided no evidence to support his statements during the podcast.


The clip of Rodgers’ remarks has since gone viral on social media platforms, sparking shock and disbelief among many users.


This is just sad and we wonder why Colin Kaepernick was sidelined by the NFL for protesting racial injustice but not Aaron, who goes around spouting false information and yet no repercussions.

8 thoughts on “Aaron Rodgers Faces Intense Criticism Over HIV Remarks”

  1. He argues that $350M should have led to multiple HIV treatments (not just AZT), but the cancer budget is trillions of dollars and we don’t still don’t have a cure? Keep it in perspective Mr Rodgers.

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  3. Rodgers’ version of “research” is to find YouTube videos that bolster his already-formed opinion. We have decades of real research and documentation on the origin of HIV. The U.S. government didn’t “create” the HIV virus and spring it on the world just as it didn’t create COVID-19. For some reason, these conspiracy theories must make Rodgers feel smarter.

  4. HIV jumped from SIV in Chimpanzees and Gorillas and it’s estimated that this first happened in late 19th century or early 20th when people would eat bushmeat it had nothing to do with Fauci this guy is so stupid it hurts

  5. As an alumni of a PAC-10 institution, some of which are considered amongst the best schools, research and academic wise, outside the Ivy League, I would be sad if I were a Cal-Berkeley alum to think this Absolute Imbecilic was a product of a UC education. Even as a college football fan, I can’t wait till they divorce the teams from the rest of the academic student athletes and make them paid employees, so that they no longer have to pretend to enroll idiots like this one as ‘students’ – much less fix things to give them ‘degrees.’

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  7. He has a right to “do his own research” but he doesn’t have the right to foist his dumb-ass ideas on the rest of us. He just needs to shut the fuck up and do what he does best, er, maybe, USED to do what he did ok. Why are people giving this dumbass a mic?

    • For the same reason MTG is still given a platform: the 2016 presidential election opened the door for any number of public figures to regurgitate their overwhelming stupidity. Sad and scary.


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