Before Meeting His Boo, Romo Wondered If Love ‘Wasn’t In The Cards’

News anchor Steven Romo (image via Instagram)
News anchor Steven Romo (image via Instagram)

Houston news anchor (and all-around hottie) Steven Romo recently shared with his social media followers the news of his engagement to Houston weatherman (and fellow hottie) Stephen Morgan.

In an Instagram post, Romo begins by sharing his childhood had its share of secrets his family fought to hide like living in a home “full of garbage with a horde of dogs.”


But he also had his own secret – that he was gay and tried “with all my heart not to be.”

As he grew older, he realized, in an ironic twist, that being gay “saved” him.

“It made me strong,” writes Romo. “Strong enough to eventually stand next to the best human I’ve ever met and ask him to marry me.”

“Before I met Stephen Morgan, I thought maybe this kind of love just wasn’t in the cards for me,” he continued. “That it was a journey I’d never take.”


Declaring he’s “the happiest I’ve ever been” in his whole life, Romo announced he’ll soon be moving to New York City “with the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Romo shared a photo of the happy couple proudly showing their engagement rings. The post has received over 10,000 responses.


Sharing the same photo, Morgan offered a similar closeted perspective from childhood saying as a 10-year-old he used to ask God “to keep a ‘secret’ between the two of us.”

Noting that “the truth eventually comes out,” the meteorologist writes, “I never dreamed of uttering the words ‘I’m engaged,’ but I also never dreamed of being so happy. Yet here we are. I’m engaged. I’m going to marry Steven Romo.”

After reflecting on a childhood lesson that God “makes no mistakes,” Morgan added, “God knew a 10-year-old could never keep a secret. Funny. Because I don’t want to keep this a secret any longer.”


Among the comments were congratulations from prominent out journalists including CBS News’ Tom Hanson, ABC News’ Gio Benitez, and Celebrity Page host Jaymes Vaughan.

Morgan announced late last month that he had accepted a co-hosting job in New York City with FOX Weather. Which explains why the news duo are picking up and heading to the Big Apple.


Since their announcement, the couple has shared a pic from their trip to St. Louis when Morgan first introduced Romo to his parents (“Spoiler alert. They loved him.”)

In a time when there seems to be so much bad news, it’s nice to see some good old happiness. 

Since their news was a ‘secret’ up until recently, there weren’t many photos of the guys together on Instagram, but let’s take a look at their accounts.


Congrats to the happy couple!





15 thoughts on “Before Meeting His Boo, Romo Wondered If Love ‘Wasn’t In The Cards’”

  1. If I grew up in Texas as a cisgender gay man and at the age of 22 with a college degree, I would have accepted a job with FOX News too. Working for FOX is not the same nor as shameful as working for a Trump or a GW Bush Presidency. The weather by definition is about human conservatism and fiscal conservatism in the face of a non-negoitable natural disaster. Being married gives one of them the option of working part-time and moving with his husband. Manhattan is more welcoming to gay male couples than the suburbs of Texas. Congratulations to Steven and Stephen (Romo and Morgan).

  2. Houston has been a sort of wide open city for decades now (as has Austin). But this level of openness, support? Not your grandfather’s Houston. Yeah, thee will always be anecdotal exceptions. Still, what a great story Love wins.

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  4. Fox News, seriously??? Too fucking funny. Call us when you find a legitimate news organization, right now if you stand behind Fox News your irrelevant and honestly trash.

  5. Love you both! I am so happy you are friends and more. Whens the wedding. You both deserve this happiness and are a beautiful couple. May your futures together be everything you desire. Best wishes and congratulations!

  6. They look a little boring to me. We need some drama up here! Give it time, they will get married, buy a house, adopt a kid and then the cheating begins, they end up in divorce court.

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  8. Happy for them both, but Fox weather??? I hope they treat Stephen right and don’t pressure him to twist his words to some ridiculous right-wing perspective.

  9. Congats to the both of them, but in a semi-sarcastic way, I had to roll my eyes and just say “OH-PA-LEEEZE!” The both of them have the iconic dream looks every cookie-cutter gay guy dreams of having in their life; so OF COURSE, it was always in the cards for the both of them…I don’t believe a WORD when they state at they never saw this type of relationship in the cards for them; but hey, they are both very, very nice men, but come on now..Ask them both what kind of gay following they had as news anchors….If the both of them had the types of bodies and looks that gays detest and are so notorious for shaming and they found one another, then you have a legitimate statement. Nevertheless, congrats to them both.

    • Salty much ? just genuinely be happy 😃 for them without the commentary it’s seriously disingenuous by all means it’s their story not yours ! #justsaying

    • This cynical remark is so unwarranted. I live in Houston. I have frequently seen these two for a number of years… never together, never at a bar, never on Grindr. Just nice guys phone about lives and doing it well. It wasn’t until they both we posting photos from Dubai at the same time during the pandemic (when many stereotypical gays were posting from circuit parties in Puerto Vallarta) when it became clear that they knew each other and were likely a couple who were not ready to announce their sexuality or relationship to the world. Congrats to them both! Hopefully they won’t lose the humility when they have to deal with some of the stereotypical gays often found in NYC.

      • It’s nice to see a fellow Houstonian speaking on behalf of who seem to be two really nice guys. After following them both on social media for a while I suspected the same thing when the posts from Dubai started popping up on their accounts and I was genuinely happy for them when the news came out. Also, it seems ridiculous that anyone should have to point out, that regardless of how you look, as a gay man you can still have fear and concern when it comes to family and your identity/acceptance and whether or not you’ll find happiness.

  10. Well hopefully they are going to make a filthy porn film for all of us to help them celebrate! Off with the clothes boys and in 3, 2, and 1, action!


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