Brothers Osborne Shares TJ’s Coming Out Story

TJ and John Osborne recently did an interview on SiriusXM’s Exit 209 with Storme Warren podcast, and the two of them shared the former’s coming out story.


John revealed that he kind of had an idea even before TJ came out to him at a restaurant in Nashville, just around the time the two of them signed their first record deal. “As his older brother you just kind of know, but it’s not my place to ask.” 

And to that, the younger Osborne joked, “When you saw my internet history you kind of knew.” “Yeah. I was like, wow. Interesting,” John responded, laughing.


TJ also shared that he has known that he is gay ever since “before I even understood what it was,” however, he’d “never discussed it with anyone.”


He recalled, “I was like, ‘Hey, before we sign this and we get kind of tangled up, contractually entangled in something, you need to know that this is a thing that I need to tell you about me that I think you might now, but I also want you to know that I do intend on coming out at some point. I don’t know when that is, but I don’t want to live my life closeted.'”


“I knew that I wanted to tell John then, and at that point, I had come out to a couple people that I thought really needed to know. But beyond that, I just kind of just did my thing, and so John was always obviously incredibly supportive of that,” TJ further stated.

On the other hand John shared, “It’s not my place to pry or ask, but I knew eventually he would have to tell me for him. You know, because the people that I’m closest to in my life are my brother and my wife [Lucie], and my family. And you have to be honest and open with those people, which allows you to be vulnerable, which is where real life happens, right?”


John said that he was happy that TJ was able to tell him, and he even joked, “To break awkward tension, I just remember saying, ‘Well, you don’t have to worry TJ because the other member in your band is a raging heterosexual, so I’m here to balance you out.'”


“I just wanted to say something to make someone laugh, and it was after that then we just had drinks, and I felt so much happiness and joy for him and it was a beautiful, beautiful night,” John recalled.

Related: Country Superstars Brothers Osborne Are At It Again & TJ Represents!


1 thought on “Brothers Osborne Shares TJ’s Coming Out Story”

  1. Awesome TJ us gay country boys definitely love to have gay country artists, I actually hope you inspire many more country boys to come out and feel safe.


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