Chris Colfer on Being Told Not to Come Out While Filming ‘Glee’

Chris Colfer recently revealed that he was advised not to come out early on while filming the first season of ‘Glee’, and he also shared the reason why he decided to do so in the end.


“When I started filming the show I had a lot of people tell me, ‘Do not come out whatever you do because it will ruin your career.’ So I hid for a little bit,” the 34-year-old actor, singer, and author shared in an episode of ‘The View’ on Tuesday.

He continued,

“But I also told them, ‘I can’t hide it with my voice… I’m more effeminate than most people. I can’t hide it.’ And they said, ‘Don’t worry. As long as you never address it, you’ll be rewarded for it in the end.’”

In 2009, Colfer publicly came out as gay during an interview on ‘Chelsea Lately’, and he revealed the reason why he decided to do so.


“We went on this big poster signing tour right before the show came out, and this little boy secretly slid me an envelope when his parents weren’t looking and I opened it up and it was a little note that said, ‘Thank you.’ And there was a little paperclip chain that was the colors of the rainbow, and in that moment I knew I have to come out,” the ‘Glee’ star recalled.

Colfer also revealed his powerful and heartfelt realization after deciding to come out, expressing:

“At the time, I was thinking, ‘Okay, yeah, if I’m an openly gay actor, yeah, I may never win a major award. I may never get to play a superhero.’ But I think being a beacon of positivity and providing that comfort for people is way more important than attention.”


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