We had a chance to catch up with CHRIS MEDEIROS, one of the models from MINT – NYC. Let’s get some of this 6’1″ hunk of a man’s info and recent gigs out of the way before we get into the dirty dozen questions.
- Instagram: @ginjah_ninjah
- soon to be seen in 16 pages in FFFZine (AUS) – June 2019 issue by photog Jeff Bark and stylist John Vertin.
- part of the RED HOT series by photographer Thomas Knight.
- presently in NASTY PIG Alpha Charlie campaign with his video recently airing during Rupaul’s Drag Race.
Here we go kiddies. Let’s get to our questions for Chris.
Where are you originally from and what do you like about where you live now?
I’m originally from Hawaii, which is about as different from NYC as you can get and where I live now. It’s one of the greatest cities in the world.
What do you do for work besides modeling?
I bartend to pay the bills and am working on a career as a chef and food writer.
Do you have any hobbies/activities you do for fun?
Besides cooking, fitness is my second biggest activity. I’m a dedicated cyclist and weightlifter.
What is something interesting about yourself that not too many people know?
I lived abroad for an entire year in high school and became fluent in French.
What/who inspires you?
Anyone grinding to turn their passions into careers. People with goals that are going out there and making it happen.
Single/Taken/It’s complicated?
What do you look for in a partner?
Intelligence and sincerity. Someone considerate, openminded, and kind.
I almost never wear underwear, when I do, a well-fitted trunk.
What’s your favorite post on your Instagram profile and why?
I don’t know that I have a favorite Instagram post? I will say that I often spend way too much time on my captions, so the ones where I feel like I nailed them are my favorites.
Do you have a naughty obsession or guilty pleasure? (ex. food/musician/tv show, etc)
I do my best not to be guilty about my pleasures! There’s nothing wrong with liking what you like! Being said, people probably think I should be guilty about the amount of anime that I watch. Or the amount of Ariana Grande in my workout playlist. Or the $5 cold brew I buy myself most days.
In your eyes, what is the biggest challenge facing the LGBTQ+ community?
While division within the community is a setback, I think globally we’re still just doing our best not to get executed legally or hate crimes without repercussion.
On your body, what’s your favorite body part. On someone else?
I’ve always liked my eyes – I have Central Heterochromia (my eyes are different colors near the pupil vs the outside of the iris). Eyes are important on someone else too, but I’m also a sucker for big arms.
Thanks for answering our questions Chris and thanks for keeping it red hot!
Photos not from Instagram were supplied by MINT Management – NYC