The little speedos. The bare skin. The sweat. The oil. The questionable move sets. Wrestlers are prone to accidents and somewhat sexual situations while in the ring. Hell, even WWE’s Chad Gable had his entire butt-crack unveiled during a live pay per view a few weeks ago.
Now, AEW’s MJF can add his name to the distinguished list of male wrestlers who’ve been accidently exposed in the ring and on live television. That moment came just last week when MJF’s trunks were pulled up during a special maneuver, one which saw his head and maybe an inch or two of meat pop out from his black speedo.
Click here to see his dick slip, which has since gone viral on Reddit.

Blink and you missed it, right? Go back and watch a second time… because, please, the famed wrestler has nothing to be ashamed of!
MJF, real name Maxwell Jacob Friedman, has been wrestling as far back as 2015. Following a very brief and uneventful stint with WWE, he blew up on AEW after signing in 2019. Since then, he’s become one of the promotion’s biggest stars thanks to his skills in the ring and expertise on the mic.
The 28-year-old New York native is now a World Champion and an International Champion. He’s also slowly working on establishing an acting career outside of wrestling.
Were you a fan of MJF before the dick slip? Are you a fan now that you’ve seen it? Comment on this whole situation and let me know!