Do you support Pro-LGBT Campaigns with Time, Money, or Neither?

"Please don't talk to me.  I know about gay rights.  I am gay.  I really don't feel like giving money or time.  Keep up the fight, but there are others you need to talk to besides me."


That's what the voices say in my mind when I see HRC peeps littered across the campus I call my workplace.  They station themselves in the busy crossroads of our universities in hope of … wait … what do they want?

I broke down and stopped avoiding them recently and asked them why they were there.  I later found out the HRC newbie worker bee was probably not supposed to talk to "press" but I really don't consider myself press in this instance.  I was more so a gay guy wondering why HRC was on my campus and wanting to talk to me.

She stated she didn't work for HRC, but for Fund for the Public Interest.  The lovely young lady quickly reassured me that all money raised went directly to HRC.  She gets paid by "The Fund" during her training as well as when she is "canvassing people." 

"We're not here to change people's opinions, but to get like-minded individuals support," she stated.  And I have to agree, that is what I felt she was doing even before I stated I wrote a blog for a gay magazine.  She was looking for a donation to support HRC's work.  She was not looking to alter anyone's opinions on political or social issues.  I almost felt inspired enough to donate some money, but I didn't. 


When I did mention that I did not wish to donate, she mentioned there was something else I could do and that was to consider examining the HRC Corporate Equality Index, a tool that will tell consumers which businesses are more supportive and which are against LGBT causes.

I give these "canvasers" of our college campus a lot of credit.  To have a smile on your face when you approach tight wads like me and college students that may be living from work study paycheck to work study paycheck.  But it does go to show they know where their educated supporters are located. 


Yes, I don't give of my time or money to fight the good fight.  And yes, I reap the rewards of others work, time, efforts, and money.  Does that make me a bad person?  Should I tithe 10% of my income to charity and causes that will help others? I feel guilty once in a while or at least once in a while I think I should feel guilty, but I don't.  Does that make me heartless?


Do you give time or money to the HRC?  Other Pro-LGBT campaigns?



Have you worked for HRC in the past or Fund for the Public Interest?


If you are interested in working with HRC and you are an "undergraduate or graduate student, or a recent graduate who has graduated within the last year," take a look at this video below and visit their Internship Website 



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Internship Semester Schedule

We offer Fall, Spring and Summer internships in Washington, DC, Montgomery, AL, Little Rock, AR and Jackson, MS. General timelines are listed below. Each of these three internship semesters corresponds to the most widely-used academic calendar for college and university students. Please note that these dates are guidelines; interns and their respective supervisors will work to set a mutually acceptable start and end date.

The priority deadline to apply for an HRC Internship is midnight Friday, July 31 – applications received by that date will be considered first. We will continue to accept applications beyond this date until all positions have been filled. –

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