Dr. Tan To Challenge Singapore’s Anti-Gay Laws

Dr. Roy Tan / Image via Facebook

An LGBTQ activist in Singapore is trying to decriminalize gay sex in the city-state.

Dr. Roy Tan is a well respected activist and community organizer in Singapore. It was Roy who was the main organizer for the first Pink Dot event in Singapore (the largest LGBTQ event in the city-state that has now become an annual happening).


Now, Tan is trying to do more for the LGBTQ community in Singapore by challenging the anti-gay laws there. Dr. Tan is heading to Singapore’s High Court to argue against the colonial era law Section 377A.

As Dr. Tan told Q News:

“This anachronistic law adversely affects the lives of gay men.”

“By institutionalising discrimination, it alienates them from having a sense of belonging and purposeful place in our society.”


“[It] prevents them from taking pride in Singapore’s achievements.”

Image via Facebook

Dr. Roy Tan says that Section 377A is in conflict with Article 9 of the Constitution, which states that no persons shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty. In addition, he and his legal team state that the Penal Code law contradicts Article 12. Article 12 states that all people are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection.

Despite the fact that Section 377A is rarely enforced, its existence in Singaporean law creates unequal treatment and way of life for LGBTQ people and same-sex couples. As such, Dr. Tan is standing up in an effort to bring much-needed change to Singapore.

Our fingers are crossed for his success.

Sources: Q News

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