Exclusive: Marvin Cortes is Out and This Week’s Hottie

You may remember Marvin Cortes for the Latino flavor he brought to cycle 20 of America’s Next Top Model. Tyra Banks ultimately named Cortes runner up for the guys versus girls season, but it was his captivating smile and charm that won over fans and still keeps him successfully working runways and global ad campaigns.

Photos by Tyler Chick

Cortes graces social media with hot, sexy, and classy content that keeps him at the forefront of fashion and up close and personal with his followers. The 28-year-old model is a South Bronx native that now calls Los Angeles home, but says he will always identify as a New Yorker.


Cortes has also been in the media recently since coming out as bisexual. Cortes shared the news with the world through a video on August 1.

In his video, Cortes says, “I describe myself as a lover. I am not a huge fan of labels but I get that it helps people understand where you lay on the spectrum. I identify as bisexual.”


Since then, the model has received an outpouring of support from the LGBTQ+ community and fashion industry. Soon after the announcement, Cortes’ active OnlyFans account began transforming into a platform for bisexual awareness where he promises to feature content with both men and women.


With the announcement of OnlyFans removing explicit and adult content from their platform, Cortes plans to continue using OnlyFans for weekly live streams and permissible content. His banned content will be moved over to a new platform that doesn’t discriminate against sexual content. So go subscribe for the good stuff, while you still can!


It is Marvin Cortes’ fun personality, statuesque physique, and advocacy for sex positivity and bisexuality, that make him this week’s Instinct Hottie.

Let’s learn more about Marvin Cortes’:


INSTINCT: When/how did you get into modeling?

MARVIN CORTES: I got introduced to modeling when I was 20 years old when I was scouted by the casting director of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 20. When I moved to LA following the show, I began working with the photographer Tyler Chick, who really helped me try new modeling styles and fashion concepts that allowed me to explore my masculine and feminine side as well as building confidence in front of the camera. 


INSTINCT: How was your experience on ANTM?

MC: The biggest highlights for me had to have been staying in such a luxurious home. Coming from a 2 Bedroom with 9 people in the south Bronx and being thrown into what was a dream home in Calabasas to film was such a culture shock. Staying in one of the most expensive villas in Bali at such a young age made me aware that I could have a life where staying in these places could be an everyday reality. Being part of such a talented and diverse group of beautiful people felt amazing and sharing that experience with millions of viewers was exhilarating. Working with the iconic Tyra Banks and absorbing her knowledge was something no amount of money could replace.  Working with some of the most creative photographers and stylists in the industry with me having had no modeling experience felt like winning the lottery. It gave me the added confidence to work with anyone in the real world by making me feel that I was worthy and validated by the best in the industry. I became more empowered every shoot we did. Lastly, being able to connect emotionally with Renee, who I still consider to be one of the most beautiful women in the world today.


INSTINCT: What has been the response from the public and your peers after coming out as bisexual?

MC: The public has been the most accepting of all. I have been embraced by the LGBT+ community with open arms. Not that I expected them not to, most people in the community know how hard it is to be open and yourself in this world and so we tend to take care of our own. My peers have been very accepting of me, many basically said they already knew or are finally glad I can be my authentic self. 




INSTINCT: Has your sexuality influenced your career path in any way?

MC: Not at first no. I had intended to be a math teacher prior to participating in America’s Next Top Model but when I realized that the modeling industry was filled with many successful LGBT+ people, I knew that I wanted to be a part of an industry I could identify with. I would say modeling is a great place for someone closeted or not to explore who they are and express themselves with the cloak of fashion.



INSTINCT: What’s something about you that most people wouldn’t know?

MC: My taste in men is not what you would think (I like Chris Pratt types) and I am attracted to curvier women rather than the sample size model. 

INSTINCT: What brings you joy?


MC: I prefer one on one or having a close intimate group of friends versus being a social butterfly. I like to work out and play sports and travel. I love and care for those around me and try to give all I can in those relationships. Walking and spending time with my beautiful Siberian Husky, Phoenix. He really relaxes me and brings out the inner joyful child in me.

INSTINCT: What do you think is the most attractive part about yourself?

MC: I think the most attractive part of myself is that I make people feel 100% comfortable around me no matter where I am or who I am with. I see the beauty in everyone even if most people can’t. I truly just need one quality or trait of someone for me to latch onto and embrace them fully.



INSTINCT: What do you find you are physically complimented on the most?

MC: I think most people compliment me most on my smile and my waist and torso length. I was blessed to have a tight waist and it is hard for me to put on weight which I feel a lot of people struggle with and so they fetishize my natural ability to be thin, chiseled, and angular. Which I don’t hate. 



INSTINCT: What, to you, defines sexy?


MC: Truly owning what you love about yourself whether that be a body part or personality trait about yourself. Nothing is sexier than a guy who knows they’re funny or a girl who knows she has a sexy bust or butt. Owning what makes you feel most like you is key.

INSTINCT: What is your proudest moment in your life thus far?

MC: It used to be being the first runner up on an iconic tv show with the iconic Tyra Banks. For me, coming out and accepting myself and not caring about what my parents think about me has been the biggest accomplishment in my life so far. I am most proud of myself for voicing who I am because I know many young people struggle with the same, coming to terms and being afraid of being rejected and abused for it. 

Photo by Tyler Chick

INSTINCT: What haven’t you accomplished, personally or professionally, that you are wanting to do in the next 2-3 years?

MC: I want to create the next Fenty success brand but for young influencers in the TikTok and Instagram world. I feel like when I was on top model, I would have really benefited from someone building a business with me or allowing me to take equity in a company that my engagement and brand could have used at a young age. I want to be the Scooter Braun of the beauty industry and help influencers make an actual income and something they own rather than get a paid post and never actually grow with the brand in a significant way. Using the Creative Sting Production team here in LA that shoots the most iconic people and projects, to build and market these young, talented, and diverse individuals. I want to mentor them the way Tyra mentored us during the show and after.



INSTINCT: Have you found love? If so, what is the best part of your relationship and what do you love most in your partner(s)? If not, what do you look for in the ideal relationship? Or are you not looking?

MC: I am single. I do have special people in my life who I care deeply for and when the time is right, I will be open to sharing them with the world. My ideal relationship is an effortless one. One you can truly be yourself with and feel at ease when you’re with that person. Also, one you don’t have to force sexual chemistry with. It is always there. 

Photo by Tyler Chick

Rapid fire question time: 

  • What is your all-time favorite movie? 
    • Predestination 
  • Who is your biggest celebrity crush? 
    • Chris Pratt 
  • What is your favorite cheat meal or snack? 
    • Cookies & Cream ice cream with cherries 
  • If you were stuck on an island for eternity, what music album would you want to have with you? 
    • Bob Marley-Exodus 

INSTINCT: What does it mean to be featured as our Instinct Hottie?

MC: It means that many young and old, closeted or not, will read this and hopefully know that the best version of yourself is the most authentic version of yourself. I am honored to be featured in the same magazine that features some of the people I look up to and have for a long time. It still feels surreal. 

Photo by Tyler Chick

INSTINCT: Anything else you’d like to share with the Instinct readers?

MC: Love yourself more than anyone else could because we spend a lot of time alone and we should never be dependent on external love, it should just be the gravy. 

Follow Marvin Cortes on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and OnlyFans for your daily dose of that beautiful smile and body.

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