Gays Tying The Knot Military Style?

Tv drama “Together With Me: The Next Chapter” / Image via Line TV

Three gay couples will be getting married in Taiwanese military flair.

Every year, the Taiwanese military holds joint wedding ceremonies for its members. This year’s event is planned to be held later this year. And it appears this year’s event will be the first to include same-sex couples.


Taiwan made history as the first Asian country to legalize same sex-marriage. The bill took effect in May after President Tasi Ing-wen signed it into law. Because of that, the Taiwanese Air Force, Army and Navy’s wedding ceremonies started accepting same-sex couples’ applications to join the event. In addition, all same-sex couples will enjoy the same benefits in the military as their straight peers. This includes subsidies for medical care for their families, education, and preferential electricity and water bills.

According to Focus Taiwan, at least one of the couple members has to be an active serviceman or woman to be qualified for the weddings. Out of the six gay people joining this year, three are active service members.

Before the application deadline late last month, two gay couples have applied for the Navy joint wedding ceremony and one gay couple has applied to participate in the Air Force joint wedding. The Air Force joint wedding will take part on October 26 at Pingtung airbase. Then November 15 will see the Navy joint wedding at Kaohsiung’s Zuoying naval base.

Early congratulations go out to the happy couples.

Sources: Focus Taiwan

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