George Michael’s Ex Goes Viral For Hateful Rant

Credit: Fadi Fawaz Twitter

Fadi Fawaz is in the news again… and it’s more of the same for George Michael’s former lover.

Fadi Fawaz has resurfaced and is trending for going on a rant about his deceased lover. The video, which was obtained by the Daily Star, shows Fawaz calling George a “low worthless joke” and “a piece of f**king dirt.”


“George Michael,” Fawaz says as he yells at the camera. “You will never get your pictures George Michael because you are low and you are a piece of f****** dirt and I will never put importance on your f****** pictures at all. I will never delete your pictures. “You are a piece of f****** cheap.”

Fadi Fawaz continues his rant by saying, “Piece of f****** expired. F****** up. You are a f****** f***** up remember. Remember they made fun of your name only. What made you think your pictures are important?”


Currently, it’s unknown what sparked the rant (or warranted it being recorded). That said, this is the latest in a long stream of bad press about Fadi Fawaz. After singer George Michael was found dead on Christmas day 2016, Fawaz has had numerous brushings with the law.

First, Fawaz was noticeably left out of George Michael’s will. Instead, the £97.6 million, which included Michael’s two London homes and his horseracing stud farm, went to Michael’s family. Then in 2019, Fadi Fawaz, who was squatting in one of Michael’s London homes, was arrested for smashing up the £5m mansion. According to MET police, neighbors alerted them after hearing loud smashing noises and saw water pouring out the front door.


As one neighbor said to The Sun, “The damage inside the house is really bad. I’ve never seen anything like it. Every fixture and fitting, every door and window, everything George left in there – it’s all completely destroyed. Even the toilets and sinks have been smashed. There’s major damage to the walls and even the ceilings.”

They continued, “This can’t have happened in just one night, he must have been systematically smashing the place up for a long time. It’s such a shame because George loved that place and it used to be so beautiful.”

Despite later being banned from the property, that wasn’t the only incident of Fawaz smashing others’ property. The second incident happened in the summer of 2020. Fawaz was arrested by cops for using a hammer to beat park cars in East London.

Fadi Fawaz was then again arrested and charged for smashing private property in December of 2020. That time, Fadi Fawaz caused £800 worth of damage by shattering a window at Le Fix Natural Beauty in Central London. In the end, Le Fix boarded up and closed their shop as a result of the vandalism.

Source: Daily Star, The Sun,

4 thoughts on “George Michael’s Ex Goes Viral For Hateful Rant”

  1. Very sick and dangerous man! Why isn’t he locked up, with all the crimes he’s committed? Saying horrible things about GM – disgusting animal!

  2. This Fadi Fawaz is trouble. He has no trouble living a lifestyle and using people. GM took pity on him that’s all. He’s an EX. GM’s estate should ban him away. Besides, where was he when GM was dying…
    All this drug abuse lead to nothing but disasters.

  3. Sounds like Fadi has a pretty bad drug problem. He will end up killing himself. Good thing George kept that freeloading bag of shit out of the will or it would have all gone up in his nose or shot in his veins.


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