Harry Styles Spoke Emotionally About His LGBTQ Fanbase

Last last week, the man that just opened Harry’s House dropped by the man who arguably, built the house that is now SiriusXM. Harry Styles paid a visit to Howard Stern on The Howard Stern Show and sat down for an extended chat where he discussed everything from his new album, learning to live in the limelight, and even revealed some new music from Harry’s House. Styles performed two songs from the new album, one of which is “Daylight”, performed for the first time ever on the Stern Show (which Styles revealed was based on a “difficult relationship”). Styles also performed a rendition of “Boyfriends” (which he also recently performed at Coachella, to which Stern Show co-host Robin Quivers simply offered “that’s beautiful” at the conclusion of the performance. 

Photo Source-HowardStern.com

In the spirit of Pride Month being just around the corner, Styles express the pride that he personally feels that his performances are frequently considered “safe spaces” for members of the LGBTQ community to freely express themselves. Styles said “Feeling like there is a space where people feel safe enough to … have those big moments and share them with a room full of people—and share them with us, in a way—is probably one of the things I’m most proud of”. Styles also weighed in on the polarizing attempt to roll back rights for transgender Americans and women for so  right now, saying in part “I just don’t think anyone should be able to make any decisions about anyone else’s body. It just doesn’t make any sense to me … I don’t really know where that ends, you know?” he continued, saying, “It’s quite scary to see how far backwards we’re going in a lot of ways”.


One rock icon that is does not seem to get all the hoopla about Harry Styles is Rolling Stones frontman and fellow across the pond resident Mick Jagger. During a recent conversation with The Sunday Times, Jagger admitted that he and Styles do have an “easy relationship”, but indicated that the similarities between them, specifically musically, end there. Jagger said “I mean, I used to wear a lot more eye make-up than him,” saying plainly, “come on, I was much more androgynous.” Jagger went on to say “He doesn’t have a voice like mine or move on stage like me; he just has a superficial resemblance to my younger self, which is fine — he can’t help that.” For Styles part, he has consistently referenced Jagger as a strong influence, even wearing a vivid crimson jumpsuit in the video for “As It Was”, which Styles (according to Daily Mail) and his stylist pattered after Jagger’s own legendary aesthetic. In the past, Styles also has summed up his own admiration for Jagger, by simply calling him ‘the coolest man on the planet”.

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