Big Brother All-Stars premiered this past Wednesday, August 5, to millions of fans who have been dying for their favorite reality competition series to return.
The 22nd season has been one like no other thanks to the COVID-19 world that we are living in. Its first episode, which lasted two hours, was totally live meaning that there were some noticeable bumps along the way (like the Have Nots not being able to get into their horrific room).
We also met the 16 houseguests vying for the $500,000 prize during the show. This has never happened as the list is always announced ahead of time so it made the suspense that much more exciting as each group of four made their way into the house.
Legendary players, like Janelle Pierzina and Da’Vonne Rogers, were part of this elite group. Something that was also very, very obvious was the amount of man meat competing who are giving us a reason to sign up for the 24/7 live feeds.
These are guys that have made us sweat for one reason or another in the past. Cody Calafiore, the first HOH of BBAS, is one example but there are many, many more.
Check out the 8 smoldering hot guys in the BB house below.
Cody Calafiore: Big Brother 16
Kaysar Ridha: Season 6 and 7
Enzo Palumbo: Season 12
Tyler Crispen: Big Brother 20
Ian Terry: Big Brother 14
Kevin Campbell: Big Brother 11
Memphis Garrett: Big Brother 10
David Alexander: Big Brother 21